Chapter Eleven

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I hummed to myself as I made my way up the stairs. The weather was a bit warm outside, and I seemed to have woken up in a good mood. Where had that come from? It was probably that fact that there was a brand-new coffee machine waiting for me just a few feet from my desk.

And probably that fact that you slept well with thoughts of a certain someone filling your head. Like how he hugged you longer than was necessary or when he rested his chin on your head.

Or for the fact you both almost kiss-

I hit my toe on the side of a table and bit back a cry. The smile fading into a scowl. Damned these open flats, why were they even created when they couldn't protect our feet? And most importantly who puts a table in the middle of the hall-oh .

I was the one at fault here, going the wrong way and not paying attention.

Or how Nile walked in on you both and commented on how intimate of a position you both were in.

There goes that voice again.

I made my way while limping to my desk, just a few moments after dropping my bag I ran for the machine but had to wait as the gods would have had it. Nile stood in front of it trying on decide on which drink to pick. His fingers kept on hovering over a latte and his eyes went to a cappuccino.

I waited at the same time tapping my feet.

"They all seem so good, can't decide."

He turned slowly and eyed me, as much as I wanted to scowl at him I couldn't help but smile. It had to be them hormones.

"In a good mood are we now?"

I blushed. I was always in a good mood. Although the mood changed once I steeped into the office. Sweetness who knew working one's ass off could be stressful. They didn't prepare me for adult life, I was still gripping on the reins of the wild horse.

"I am always in a good mood. "

"You're quite early to."

I blushed again. I was early because of the coffee and not for any other reason.


The voice screamed. Couldn't it shut up and let me lie to myself?

"If I stay with you any longer, I too will start blushing." His first cup got filled up then he waited for the second cup. "Or is it because of yesterday? Is that why you are so happy and ripe red."

I had to turn around as I felt my face heat up. It was hot in here, heat waves, we were facing heat waves.

Nile's laughter filled the room and I turned just in time to see him gesture towards the empty machine. The aroma of the coffee hit my face and I was instantly searching for a coin. Then I spotted two coins by the counter.

"Help yourself." He gestured towards the coins and before I could protest, he said. "See you around Pamy." Then he was off.


I pushed open the door to Kyle's office. His eyes were glued to the screen of his laptop. "Dude I didn't know which you wanted so I randomly picked."

"Um." Was his reply.

I went on. "I never knew you were so generous, who would have thought that you would actually place a coffee machine up here yet we already have one in the company kitchen."

"Um." He replied again.

"Or is it because of a certain someone"

"Um." Came his answer.

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