Chapter Thirty-three

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"I have never seen you this out of breath." I gave him a hand.

"He is escaping." He tried saying, but what came out were rugged breaths.

"I know I have him chased. Good thing you set up those cameras as last minute." He eyed me suspiciously.

"What fucking took you so long? I would have gotten killed."

"But you are still alive huh?" I walked past him into the halls, the warm air settling on my skin. I heard him behind me. "You are willing to deny me when it come to food?"

We both took the stairs, even though he was still staggering with his breathing. I looked at a broken vase, two actually. "That is coming out of your salary."

He shrugged and walked past me. "Hell of you touch my money. And yes to your earlier question, I will deny you for food, you give me enough troubles as it is."

We reached the last floor under seven minutes. "Not bad for the morning, yesterday was fifteen." He stopped in front of me.

Out of breath he said. "Most men go for hot sex, a long jog or good fuck, but your best way of remaining fit is climbing the stairs. Who are you?"

"And that my friend is the reason I am able to last longer than you in bed."

I watched from the corner of my eyes as he mimicked me. "Oh yeah and how do you know you last longer than me? It is not as if you were there while I fucked the last pussy I had access to."

"Noreen? I hope you don't break her heart."

"As it appears I seem to have already broken it." I stopped and looked at him dumbfounded.

"Just letting you know Pamela will skin you alive." He shrugged his shoulder.

"She is good in bed, really beautiful and has a body of a goddess but I guess I am only into the good sex she gives I don't want more."

"And she wants more?" I asked.

He pulled out another sweet treat from the insides of his pockets. I rolled my eyes. "She gives me mixed feelings and I think we are reading each other wrongly." He unwrapped the soft bun.

"That my friend is evidence enough to show that I last longer in bed while you don't."

I pushed open the office door to find three ladies, two of which were under my employ and another I was fortunate to have as a sister. Pamela's death glare was what I first noticed, but she didn't send to me, it was directed towards a smiling Nile.

He seemed to have realised his mistake as the smile dropped from his face. He looked at the walkie talkie in his hand, the other pair on the table. They must have heard everything.

"In my defence it was always meant to happen."

She rolled her sleeves and marched towards him, grabbing him by his shirt she pulled him into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, the words that came out next were inappropriate.

Skylark held Noreen's hands, her eyes shone hatred but for once in my life I was all but thankful I was not the receiving party. Noreen on the other hand looked hurt, with her teary eyes downcast.

"Why not take the day off." I said, Trying to lightening the mood, I was feeling bad, no one deserved to be used like that. She shook her head no but remained quiet.

I looked at the bathroom door, Pamela's voice rose more than three octaves high, I was pitying Nile, he did deserve what he was getting, after all he confessed himself.

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