Chapter Twenty

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I closed the door slowly behind me. Ollie pulled me towards the exist, seems like he already marked the place. He took me onto an inner room. By the low burning fire sat the sickly dog I had seen outside. It barely lifted its head in acknowledgement.

Ollie sniffed its butt, he looked at me expectantly. I got to my knees.

"Hey buddy." Had it been healthy it would have scratched my hand out.

"Whats your name?" It laid on its stomach not moving. The door opened and a woman walked in. She had a bowl of some substance in one hand and a bowl of water in the other. She placed them by the fireplace.

"What is in there?"

"None of your business." She snapped.

I looked back at her as she walked out the room. The dog moved to the food and sniffed at it. It took a few sips of water then came back to its place.

Poor pup was starving.

Ollie sniffed at it and then gagged. I had to cover my mouth. I had such horrible laughter.

"Here buddy, you can have these. Ollie won't mind."

I opened a full bag of treats and placed them in front of the puppy. It sniffed at them then took a curious bite. Ollie sat besides it.


"It is pronounced Rhemy."

I looked at the doorway. Skylark stood leaning with her back to the door.

"I do not like you. And in all honesty, I do not think you are good for my brother."

She walked in and closed the door.

Poor Rhemy stood up on his weak legs and moved to the corner, seems he was scared of the woman. Ollie tagged the treats towards him even though most of them fell out.

"Name your price and then leave. I can have a transfer made to you in less than two hours. Or do you prefer it on cheque?" She drummed her gloved fingers on the sofa rest.

"I do not want your money Skylark-"

"Miss Stanfield." She corrected me.

"Okay I do not want your money miss Stanfield, and neither am I here for your brother's money."

"Oh please Pamela."

"Miss Diaz would do."

She gave me a stern look but continued.

"Everyone does have a price and I am willing yours is money, but I have to guess the exact amount you want. Tell me and we can settle this and you can be on your way and my brother can go his way."

"And what makes you so sure that Kyle," Butterflies bubbled up in my stomach. "would want another girl other than me?"

She stepped on one of the treats as she towered above me.

"Simply because I grew up with him and I know him like the back of my hand. Kyle doesn't do marriages, he fucks. Half of the house maids here in the house have been used by him."

She was bluffing.

"Just another one of his toys." Her laughter filled the hallway. "Let's see how long it lasts."

I watched her turn a corner. My heart ached. Was the maid that had just been in here one of them? Had she also been fucked?

Ashamed that he had almost made love (again) to me, I got up.

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