Chapter Fifteen

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"He what?"

There came another crash. Lord have mercy. That was the second lamp so far, a certain someone, namely my boss was to pay for the damages he had caused.

He stormed out from my bedroom and walked over to the kitchen. Then he made his way to the living room and paced. I served the plates on the dining table and turned on the TV.

"In other news, for the first time in seventeen years, we are faced with a terrorist bombing. Government and police officials claim they were paid by private individuals to do the damage. Companies such as the Walters, received the most impact of the attack, rendering the companies in about a two billion debt worth in damage and repair-"

"What the hell? I bloody see the bloody news it's on the bloody TV. Don't tell me shit, I told you to keep a bloody eye on that bloody man."

That was a lot of bloody.

"Do you want me to pluck out your eye for you to be able to keep an eye on him? Well hell do you know how much I have to pay for the damages." He shouted.

"The terrorists are of unknown identities but one, a man by the name Wallner Weiz was identified as one of the-"

The fork halfway to my mouth dropped to the floor. I hadn't realised I had been eating while standing. I turned to him. "You knew he was a threat?"

He turned his back towards me and continued on his call. Not meaning to, I pulled on his injured arm and he groaned.

"You knew he was a threat and yet you allowed me to go to that cafe, you knew he would be there, you knew yet you made me feel unsafe."

"I protected you, didn't I? I had people following you, I had men in that cafe and on the street watching you."

"Then why didn't you tell me Kyle? Why didn't you tell me that there was a terrorist out on the lose and in the same building as I?"

"How was I to know he would blow up places Pamela? How was I to know that he would be one of them?"

"Well, you could have said something, I don't know maybe like 'oh Pamela be careful that man that called,' he is not whom you think."

He moved from me to answer his phone. I glared at his broad back and I could see the small stains of red on him.

"I need to use the bathroom, those clothes you spoke of, can I have them?"

Without a word I walked down to the basement then to the bathroom in my room. Not that I was ashamed or anything, they were underwear which I wore of course, but him coming in here looking directly at what I wore underneath all my clothes gave me creeps.

I removed the dry ones from the hook and folded the wet ones and kept them aside, then looking at my bare legs I picked up some pants. The door to my room opened.

"Yeah, I heard the news. I had just manged to shoot the shit dead on the spot but then he pulled the trigger at the last second and I got this whole in my shoulder."

He was silent for a few minutes.

"No, all the way there, no. But I am at Pamela's and about what you said, I was thinking."

The person on the other side said something.

"Yeah I got that out of him, I had to leave the building immediately the information came through, had I been late. I am grateful Gerald was by the back exist, yeah, wait hold on I think I left it in the living room."

Kyle walked out. I got out of the bathroom not shocked that he had killed a man. Though I was a little bit surprised. I bumped my toe on the side of the bed and my whole world stabilised.

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