Chapter Nineteen

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"And what happens to Donna?" Mr Stanfield asked.

"What about her?" Came Kyle's cold reply.

"Is she no longer in the picture?" His voice sounded hurt, but I could still see the smirk on his face. "Have you finally gotten over her?"

That stroke a nerve for Kyle, but he didn't answer.

"Ah, I see." Mr Stanfield signaled a house help. "Prepare two rooms one for my son and then other for-"

"She is sleeping in the same room as me."

"What?" I asked but as usual I went unnoticed as the father and son began the staring contest. Then Stanfield watched with amusement, as for Skylark, she didn't seem in any way amused.

"Do you have a problem with my decision Mr Stanfield?"

"Now now son, it's only in the business world were you are allowed to call me Mr Stanfield, but here in our home call me father."

"Like you wish." He bushed off the old man's hand from his shoulder and began walking towards the front doors, while dragging me along.

"I wonder why you birthed me a son that is as useless as the being it came from. Marrying a middle-class woman brings nothing but trouble, I have my marriage as an example."

Kyles grip tightened on my arm.

"Kyle you are hurting me." I whispered.

"Cannot do anything. And these useless beings think they belong to the main world. This is a man's world, we work and earn for the family and you wives act like toys for our amusement."

Kyle was in front of his father in a moment.

"Do not speak such way about my mother. After all it was from her sweat and blood that the biggest empire was created. And who are you compared to the woman that birthed me? Of course, yes, you are no one. You can make yourself useful by having our luggage brought in."

"And the girl?" Mr Stanfield was not backing down not one bit. "What did you do to earn her as your fiancée? Did you pay her? Force her hand? Threaten her?"

Well sir you are not wrong with the last parts.

"No one can ever fall for a messed-up sadist like you. You are and will never be anything in life."

"Stanfield." Mrs Walters shouted.

Kyle made his way for the door but stopped when he felt me still.

"Animals such as yourselves don't deserve sons. The only reason as to why you call him useless is because you are useless. I mean what shame is it that your wife, whom you don't love made an empire from scratch and you hid in the shadows, with another son that can't bring half of what Kyle did. You are no father to him, but a helper that brought him into this world. You don't deserve anything from him."

He raised his hand to my face. "Who gave you the right to talk back to me?"

Kyle gripped his hand in a tight hold.

"I did." He said simply.

I looked at everyone in turn. My gaze lingered in Skylark's face a little longer before moving on.

"I am to be the future Mrs Pamela Walters and if anyone has a problem. Run a bullet through your head."

I turned for the door which was huge by the way. I looked back over my shoulder to see a shocked Kyle.

I had just admitted to being his wife.

This is drama.

I was pushed into the bedroom before it could be opened. My back slammed against the closed door. Kyle brought his face close to mine and I thought he was going to kiss me.

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