Chapter Twenty-nine

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I stepped out of the car and headed for my house. I heard a soft rustle by the bushes but I ignored it and moved to the door. The weather was fairly chilly and I was in a hurry to get home, I had a full bladder and I was praying wouldn't burst.

The nagging feeling came back. Another rustle filled the dark night, the snapping of a branch being the only noise heard in the empty space. I looked back.

"Show yourself or else I will call the police."

My first instinct was to run inside but the curious side of me wanted to know who was there. Maybe it was a neighbour's cat, or even a rat. It could be anything.

I stilled as I heard footsteps approach. I looked back into the dark night but saw no one. Panic ate through me as I searched the haze of my bag for my keys. There were more footsteps. The person seemed to be walking casually and no in hurry. My bag dropped to the ground, the contents spilling and on display.

I looked back. Who was really that dumb to attack me in my own house, everyone knew you picked scheduled areas. Someone could easily see what was happening and call the authorities immediately.

"Look I mean no trouble just quit scaring me will you."

The footsteps stopped. For a shaky minute I thought my heart was going to jump out. A figure dressed in the finest of black clothes walked out from the bushes.

"Of all places to have picked, you had to choose the country side."

"I find I have a side for nature."

"Humph, and what if you are attacked, how do you reach help?"

"There aren't any wild animals here, none whatsoever."

"And what if someone attacked you, someone like me? What would you do?"

I looked at grandma's gnome this was one of those times I needed help.

"Well, I would call you dumb and try to defend myself." I bent down and grabbed the gnome. In my defence, it would break but probably help to disable my opponent.

"There is no need for the Pamela, my feet are sore from all that walking and I can bet you my fingers will fall off at any moment."

The proud face, the head held high, the straight figure. The person reminded me of someone.


She took off the black mask that covered her face. "So, you finally remember me, how sweet now open the door."

So much for breaking the gnome. "In my house you speak to me with respect."

"If it weren't for the safety of my baby do you think I would be here? The door please, my body aches all over."

Shit, I had temporary forgotten she was with child. I opened the door and allowed her in. To my surprise she didn't comment on the lack of design or exquisite taste. She took a seat and pulled off her boots, her toes were blue.

"Let me get you some warm water and towels." She nodded without saying anything. She pulled at her jacket closer to her body.

Ollie came in to greet the strange guest. She didn't push him away and neither did he bark at her, he rested at her feet while she rubbed his back.

"I have warmer clothes." I said as I placed a bucket of warm water by her feet. "We might not be the same size, but I think there might be something that could fit." She nodded without saying anything.

I turned to the kitchen. "Don't tell my brother I am here. It was hard finding you. I will not be sent back like a child to my parent's house."

I nodded not sure of what to say. I decided on fruit tee for the both of us as I was not sure if coffee was good for a pregnant woman. I walked back into the room with a large tray. Ollie came sniffing at me.

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