Chapter Eight

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"Girl you look fucked." I let out a breath.

"I am fucked. I just spent my entire morning in the presence of two sexy gods. One ruthless and cold the other compassionate and kind." I filled my plastic cup with water from the dispenser and swallowed it all in one go.

Noreen gave me a puzzled look. "Is the guy two desks from us still looking at me?" I dropped my cup in the bin and looked at him. I nodded. She smiled.

She turned to face him. Bending seductively over a table, she grabbed a blunt pencil, one that was not yet sharpened. She ran her index finger along his length and kissed its body staining it with her red lip stick. I looked at the man that was totally engrossed in the activities she was performing.

She pushed its tip into her mouth and rolled it around her tongue. It came out moist. Still running her tongue on it, she turned it the other way and then broke it into two pieces a glare on her face. She dumped the broken halves in a bin and mouthed a 'loud fuck you' with two middle fingers in the air.

"New guy doesn't understand I am not some cheap fuck. Been sending me lovely dove eyes since morning. Creep."

I followed her my head pounding in my heart. I had bigger problems like was I getting fired? Did he know it was me? The door to the conference room opened and the executives walked out. Mr Kyle Walters existed at the same time Donna did. She stopped him and said something to him. He felt uncomfortable and my heart ached, I wanted to slap her, she had caused him so much pain and yet she was forcing herself on him.

A third party walked out, Nile Kendrick. He winked at me and a small smile graced my lips.

"My God Pamela." Noreen grabbed me and turned me so that I was in view, and she was behind me. She swallowed and I could feel her shaky breath on my neck. Once Nile moved to an opposite desk with a snare on his face, she pulled me to a corner.

"So, remember when I told you I had some good fuck and I kept on glowing. Turns out he is the guy I fucked and gosh I told him there was not need for a mask as what was the possibility of us ever finding ourselves again. And it was some good fuck. Pamela I am in shit."

"At least we know that we both would get fired for the same reasons. I was pared with Kyle. But I don't know if he saw me and he," I took in a shaky breath. "called me a whore, a destruction and said I was average."

"He what?" She shouted and I hushed her. "I thought you were hiding, do you want to attract attention to yourself?"

She removed my hands from her mouth. "He called you average?"

"More than average." I corrected her quietly.

"Is he mad?"

"Ah, I knew it was you from the sound of your voice."

Noreen froze in place and slowly turned to the man that stood behind her. "Hi, Nile, is it?" She stretched out her hand.

"It was just yesterday, Noreen." He said deadpan. "You couldn't have already forgotten."

"I was, I meant, it was, I." She gave a nervous laugh. "I mean what were the chances that we would meet again? Such a big world." She laughed again, this time coming out high pitched.

"I know right considering the fact that a certain someone said it would be better as mask off." He looked at me as if some sort of realisation drowned on him. "We should get a coffee sometime, okay?"

She nodded.

"See you ladies later." He winked at her and then left with his hands in his pockets.

"I need a coffee." And she was off.

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