Chapter Thirty-six

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I watched as the fastest aid was given to him and as he was being placed on a stretcher.

"Ma'am if you could please answer me, tell me what happened again?" A man in dark blue asked me.

I watched the stretcher head towards an open ambulance.

"Can I go with him?" I felt scared. It was all my fault. Had I stayed home, had I listened to my conscience.

"We need to get some information from you before you go. Please ma'am."

"I told you over the phone. I do not know exactly what happened. He came to me then we were falling with him on top of me."

"The fall pushed the knife in deeper, but we aren't sure of what damage it might have caused." Someone said, all I could do was nod. I was numb to the bones.

"Did you see anyone? Did you see anyone near the both of you as of the time of incident?" The man still questioned.

I looked into the distance Nile had his eyes closed, but I could feel his pain. I felt like it was me on that stretcher. What if it was meant to be me?

My past is coming for you.

I looked further into the darkened parking lot. "There, look there, that person stalked me. That person was the only one near us. That person."

The officer looked behind but saw no none. "I think she needs to rest." Another said.

"She has been through an ordeal."

But the officer before me wasn't done. "Perhaps you were the one that did it, trying to fend yourself as a customer tried to take advantage of you?" He gestured towards my half naked body. I had even forgotten about the cold.

Anger rose up in me. "If you are calling me a whore then shame on you. He is a friend, he met up with me. If he wanted sex do you think I would have denied- there goes the person just turn around and look there." I pointed at the leaving car, but they ignored me.

A police car pulled up next to where we were. He left the engine on and walked out with handcuffs.

"We had been called. Someone claiming there was a murder, or an attempted one." He gestured towards the ambulance. "And the figure as the murderer was described wearing the exact same thing you are wearing." I stared at him.

They meant me.

The other police guy come over willing to handcuff me. I still saw the car, time moved slowly. I pushed past them and entered the car, I hit the gas and sped past the stunned men.

They were speaking telling me to halt, calling me a criminal and alerting the rest of the station. I drove like a mad person chasing after the person I knew was responsible.

"Please you have to believe me. Why would I hurt him, why would I put a knife in his tummy? I love him. I wouldn't ever cause him pain. The person before me did it. The person stalked me."

The car took a left and so did I. The voices still spoke. A police car on my heels, luckily enough the cars cleared a path for us.

The car in front took another turn into an empty street, the path cleared into a highway climbing on higher than the low land.

We were driving along a mountain or alp. It was hard to tell during the dead of the night. I pressed harder on the gas.

"Dammed police cars and manual breaks who the hell uses them these days?"I said through gritted teeth, tears falling down my face.

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