Chapter Sixteen

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"So, anything happen between the two of you?" Nile had been bugging me with questions and I was willing to punch him in the face.

"Would you quit it already, you nag a lot."

He murmured something under his breath. "Come on, you seemed so out of breath late last night while you called. Did she knock you out?"

I stretched my arms then winced as pain thought my shoulder. Damn bullet wounds. "We didn't do anything."

"You were also late today you know."

I ignored him and moved over to the mirror and adjusted my suit. He stood behind me with a plate of heavens knew what he was eating. "I overslept okay."

He backed off and took a seat by the window, which I had to pay to be repaired. Damn Stanfield.

"She answered the call last night, do you think she heard?"

At that I turned to him. I gave him a deadly stare.

"What? How was I to know she would be in the room while I talked. You know me and food, I get drunk on food."

I was already frustrated, he had been buzzing nonstop all morning and I was dead tired to my bones. I needed something to calm down my nerves, no I needed someone. I was running mad with want. Was I normal? I held her all throughout the night in my arms. Even when she placed her weight on my injured arm, I couldn't complain. I didn't want to, she was like a drug and I was fucking addicted. I let out a breath.

"Yup I see it sexual frustration. You know there are many ways of dealing with it."

"I am not going to a club to fuck. That got me in a lot of trouble already, and my you know what can't seem to calm down when you know who walks in the room."

My head couldn't even get her nude form out of my mind. No matter how hard I tried, I always saw her, on the bed, moaning my name, crying out in pleasure.

"As a matter of fact I was about to say gyming but if you do want we could go back and have that special-"

He cut short as the door opened and Pamela walked in. She was dressed in the most simple but yet beautiful work clothes. I never knew a skirt and a shirt would make one look hot. No hot she wasn't, sexy she was.

She closed the door slowly behind her.

"You called Mr Walters."

That was strange, throughout the night she had been whispering my name as she snuggled closer, but when she woke up this morning she was distant and a bit cold like I had done something. I had even offered her a ride, a day less of expenses for fuel. But the girl had to snap at me.

"I work hard, pay my taxes and earn my money. I can provide for myself transport thank you very much and I know how to drive. I have a driver's licence to prove it to you just so you know."

What had I done to have caused the sudden change in her emotions was something I had been asking myself all morning. And I was even eager for an answer. And now I had my moment.

"Nile." I motioned towards the door.

The maroon sat glued to his seat.

"Pamela it is nice seeing you, you did sound a bit sad last night over the phone, hope you are okay?"

I could tell she was struggling with her features, or was that how one smiled? I never noticed; her lips gave a brief but fierce smile before she answered.

"Oh; you know just realising that my so called boss had played me and I had almost gotten myself killed, but other than that I was good. I seem to have slept well to."

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