8. Attack. Attack was never wrong.

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Levi could not believe his eyes when he looked at the steaming food on his plate. But it remained visible no matter how often he blinked. Out of the corner of his eye, he was watching Chagara, who was helping Eva, Marie and Phil with the trays for the others. Like yesterday, he wanted to eat with Chagara in the kitchen.

How had she managed to get these ingredients? In this quantity? He glanced at his plate again. Potato pancakes. He had heard of that. But he had never eaten it. Eggs were expensive. And for potato pancakes you needed eggs. And salmon? He knew salmon from pictures. It was said that the rich people ate it occasionally. On holidays or special events. But him? A criminal from the underworld?

"Are you okay?", asked Chagara worriedly as she sat down with him.

Levi looked at her. "What have you done?"


"Eggs, salmon. For more than ten people. Did you steal? If so, who were your accomplices?"

"You," Chagara replied shortly, cutting her potato pancake.


"Well, I collect chocolate. After all, I had you to thank for the last big win the day before yesterday. You remember? I was supposed to bring you tea. The chocolate from that along with my accumulated stock made our dinner possible." Chagara smiled and shoved the first bite of potato pancake into her mouth.

Levi watched as her dark eyes began to glow. "Why are you spending your stuff for me?"

Chagara frowned and swallowed the bite. "Because I thought you might like it. And as a thank you. Because you're eating with me again. Now eat. This only tastes good when it's warm." She smiled at him before turning back to her food.

Hesitantly, he cut into his potato pancake. As his tongue felt the morsel, he closed his eyes to fully savour the moment.

"You must try this together," Chagara explained to him.

When he opened his eyes, he had Chagara's fork in front of his mouth. On it: salmon on a piece of potato pancake.

"You don't have to share your food with me."

But before Levi could close his mouth, Chagara had successfully guided her fork between his lips. She smiled as he took her bite. Levi chewed more slowly to experience the taste for as long as possible. But it wasn't just the new taste of the food. It was that pleasant regularity that he liked. A small set wooden table. Big enough for two people. Chagara and him. That was all he needed.

The corners of Levi's mouth pulled up slightly. "Regularity?", he thought mockingly. It was only the second dinner with her. But he would cherish these moments forever. They would probably encourage him to come back from an expedition healthy and alive. Back to...

"Too hot?" he heard Chagara asking. She pointed to his red cheeks.

Levi shook his head in embarrassment and stood up. "Do you want water too?"


Levi fetched the water jug. With a glimpse at the pan, he noticed that a single potato pancake had been left lonely on the cooker.

"It's yours," explained Chagara, who had not taken her eyes off Levi.

"Why mine?" asked Levi as he placed the water jug on the table and walked back to the pan with his plate.

"Well, the hope of humanity must keep up its strength after all" was all she said as she poured water for him and herself. "And you are certainly still growing," she added in a low voice.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now