25. "Can you fish?" - "Seriously?"

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Levi tried to escape the dim light. But when he turned his head, he was pricked several times in the neck as well as in the cheek. When he turned to the other side, he felt the same. Astonished, he opened his eyes. It took him a moment to realise that he was not in his armchair but on a hayloft. Slowly the memories came back. He had looked for Chagara in the stable, he had followed her to the hayloft and had fallen asleep next to her. Levi ran his hand over his eyes. 

"Oi, Chagara. Get up," he muttered huskily and sat up. Only now did he realise that he had been wrapped up to his shoulders in the soft blanket. Had he stolen the blanket from Chagara while he slept? And why had he slept until the morning? How many hours had it been? 

"Oi, Chagara!," began Levi again, turning to Chagara's sleeping place, but it was empty. When had she got up? And why hadn't she woken him? Levi was wide awake when a worried thought crossed his mind. Quick as a flash, he reached the ladder, climbed down and hurried to Apple's box. To his great relief, he found the horse chewing hay. Looking around, he realised that no other horses were missing either. So their unit had not left. But where was she then? At training?


He had not seen her at breakfast. Her entire group had been absent. But during his training he had not met her either. As he walked back to the headquarters, he saw Mike standing in front of the entrance. His friend was massaging his shoulder.

"What happened to you?," asked Levi, the corners of his mouth twisted in disgust as he pointed to the dirty uniform jacket. Mike's trousers were also full of grass and soil stains.

"I came across Peter's team. Or rather, that team's so-called kindergarten."

"And they beat you up?," Levi raised his eyebrows.

"Well, suddenly I was part of a one-on-one fight," Mike explained as he tried to pull leaves out of his hair.

"And the Heichou didn't intervene?"

"I had the one-on-one fight with the Heichou. For demonstration purposes," Mike sighed. His ego had taken a slight bruise from this demonstration.

Levi's ears perked up. Chagara's Heichou? "And what's he like?"

"Well, he's nowhere near your strength. But somehow he could still be your twin." Mike smoothed down his shirt.

"That bad?," Levi raised his eyebrows.

"He's just smart. And he's got a lot of tricks up his sleeve. I wouldn't piss him off," Mike said.

When the two heard a smacking sound, Mike stared behind Levi with his mouth open. Images of the unpleasant fight appeared before his eyes again.

"You again," Levi heard a familiar voice beside him. But the greeting was not to him, but to Mike, who said not a word.

"Why are you always eating when I see you?," hissed Levi at Chagara when he noticed her smiling at Mike.

"First of all and unfortunately, we don't see each other much. And secondly, we just see each other in the kitchen or at dinner time most of the time. Unless you give me chocolate or steal apples for me," Chagara pondered aloud.

Mike looked back and forth between Levi and Chagara, puzzled. "Had she said unfortunately? And he stole for her? And gave her chocolate? And where was I when all this was happening?"

"What am I supposed to do with this?," asked Levi, annoyed, as Chagara held out half her gnawed potato to him.

"Eat it? So we'll grow. Or do you think we're already full-grown?," was her dry reply.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now