37. "Shiganshina is lost."

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Chagara giggled and murmured into his shoulder: "Marked."

"Oi," Levi whispered, nudging her.

But Chagara only snuggled closer to him.

"Oi," Levi tried again.

But apart from her soft breaths, there was nothing more to be heard from Chagara. Levi stroked her head. "You're killing me," he murmured as he began to caress her back. It was going to be an uncomfortable night for him. He sat in the dirt and couldn't move. Because he didn't want to wake up Chagara. Sighing, he leaned against the hay bale.


"Not so loud, Apple," Chagara whined into her horse's mane as it snorted again.She had been awakened by rays of sunlight on her face. It had taken her a while to realise where she was and why she was feeling so unwell. With difficulty she had climbed down the ladder and looked for her horse. She had no memories of how she had got to the stable or what else had happened that night. The last thing she could remember was Peter handing her the schnapps bottle. Chagara sighed and began to massage her temples. So far it had always helped her when she had a headache.

The first time she had drunk more than a sip of alcohol was on the last night at the training camp. She had endured three years of hard training and would now become a member of the Scout Regiment. That night she had thrown up on Commander Shadis' boots. From then on, to prevent this or worse from happening again, Paul had always looked after her when alcohol was served. He had always put her to bed and made his bed for the night on a chair next to her.

"If Paul were here now, I'd know what I did last night," Chagara muttered sadly to herself with her eyes closed.

"So you can't remember anything?," she heard a familiar voice say behind her.

Startled, Chagara turned around and looked into the emotionless eyes of Levi.

"Levi? Why now?" Chagara took her fingers from her temples. Did he sound offended or were her senses still too dazed?

"Nothing at all?," asked Levi sharply.

Chagara shook her head slowly. "Did I ... do something?," she answered timidly.

But Levi only pierced her with his gaze.

"Can you tell me?," Chagara tried again, scratching her arm sheepishly. "Please?," it reached his ear softly.

How did she always manage to throw his emotional world into chaos? He would never have spent the night alone in that filthy attic, sitting in the prickly hay. Always careful not to wake her up. He himself had not slept. And yet, he had been happy. Happy because she slept in his arms. Because he could kiss her forehead from time to time. Because he felt her warmth. And now? Now she had ruined his happiness.

Levi just shook his head sadly. Chagara realised that she had disappointed him. But before she could try again, they heard a cheerful "Good morning, Levi Heichou!" from the stable door. The person addressed closed the door to Apple's horse stall, put down the mug of water and turned around. It was better if his future team members did not see Chagara in her current state. Her hair was dishevelled, there was still sleep from last night in the corners of her eyes, and her training suit had a lot of hay stuck to it.

"Ready?," asked Levi emotionless.

"Yes, Levi Heichou," Petra and Eugen replied.

"Then get your horses. And hurry up. I don't have all day," Levi said as he walked to his horse.

"Yes, Levi Heichou."


"Don't say anything," Peter replied as he entered the canteen and noticed the stares of Steve, Ron, Louis and Jimmy. Peter didn't feel like lying in bed any longer, although that was where he belonged. But he couldn't walk around outside the infirmary in just a doctor's coat either. So he had organised a pair of trousers that were two sizes bigger than his own. That way he avoided his aching skin coming into constant contact with the fabric.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now