39. "Chamomile tea?"

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"Leeeviiii," Ayumi whined.

"The first time we met, you were standing in front of me in your briefs," he commented dryly. "And you've already slept in my bed too. Without pants," he added.

"But," Ayumi began barely audible. She had run out of energy and had simply stayed lying on Levi's bed when he had put her there. "I'm having my period."

Levi had unbuttoned her pants and was about to take it off her. "I already got that," he replied, pausing in his movement. "Oi," he looked at her. "You have been taken care of it, haven't you?" he asked. "Down there," he added.

Ayumi turned bright red. "Yes," she shouted, horrified by his question. "But this is embarrassing," she added as she hid her face behind her hands.

"Then you know how I felt," Levi replied dryly, tugging at her trouser legs.

"Mm?" Ayumi spread her fingers, giving Levi a questioning look.

"In the infirmary."

"Then you're doing this for revenge?"

Levi grinned mischievously.

"You're mean."

"I've heard that before too," Levi replied unimpressed, placing her folded pants on a chair. Ayumi continued to watch him through her spread fingers.

"You decide," he said softly after sitting down beside her on the bed. Ayumi removed her hands from her face and looked at him questioningly. Levi pointed to her uniform shirt. With flushed cheeks, she sat up with difficulty and shook her head. Levi left his small bedroom, went to his wardrobe, took out one of his long shirts and walked back to the bedroom door with his eyes on the floor. Without lifting his eyes, he threw his shirt to Ayumi and then left his room.


Ayumi inhaled the air. "Chamomile tea?," she said with difficulty as Levi placed the tray with a teacup and a teapot on his bedside table.

"What?," he asked as he unfurled another blanket.

"I thought you only knew black tea," Ayumi muttered exhaustedly.

"How do you expect me to run a tea shop successfully if I only deal with black tea?"

"You're opening a tea shop? When?," she questioned in surprise, raising her head.

"When this is all over. Now drink." He put the second blanket over her. "I still have work to do. If you need anything, I'll be in the next room at my desk. So just call me, okay?"

Ayumi nodded and looked to the steaming tea. Tears formed in her eyes.

"What?," asked Levi in irritation.

"It's too hot. I can't drink it," she sobbed.

"Thank God I don't have shit like this every month too," Levi thought as he picked up his water jug. Ayumi watched him tearfully as he filled her teacup halfway with water and then poured the chamomile tea. "Try this first. Until the tea cools down a bit. Okay?," he whispered and handed her the cup.

Ayumi nodded and let Levi wipe away her tears.

"What?" Levi's pulled his eyebrows down when he suddenly saw her smile.

Ayumi shook her head. "I was just thinking about the other day. When you let me sleep in your bed."

Levi's eyebrows went up.

"You said you weren't a gentleman. Yet you are," she murmured softly.

Levi felt his heart beat faster. "You know where I come from," he finally said, barely audible, and stood up.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now