48. "We're going in."

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"Steve wanted to study the brain of the abnormal Titans. To find out why they can do more than a normal Titan. And to get some hints. To see if there was a possibility that you could have a conversation with a Titan. Steve got the permission. For keeping an abnormal Titan. Why can't I even have a normal Titan?"

Levi heard Hanji's upset voice as he closed the door to Erwin's office room. But while Hanji sat clamouring on the couch, Erwin studied the schedule of all the team trainings that Mike had apparently reorganised.

"Yes," Erwin nodded at his Vice-Commander. Mike had leaned against the wall next to the plan. "This is what I had in mind." The Commander stepped away from the training plan and sat behind his desk. With a quick hand gesture, he signalled Levi to take a seat as well.

"When Peter's team was a separate unit, they had a great supporter. Tom Johnson. Which was quite interesting because he was part of the government. He was also almost their sole financial backer," Erwin began.

"And?" Out of curiosity, Hanji scurried over to the desk and sat down in the vacant chair next to Levi, who didn't share her interest. His eyes were fixed on the returned training schedule of all the teams. But he absolutely did not like the new plan.

Mike's brief nod caused Levi to look down at himself with raised eyebrows. The team report he had wanted to bring to Erwin was a bit crumpled. Hastily, he unclenched his fist and smoothed out the sheet of paper.

"Johnson had agreed to the investigation of abnormal Titans immediately. Shortly after agreeing, he died suddenly and unexpectedly. He was neither old nor ill," Erwin continued.

"You look like shit," Levi thought as he furtively eyed Erwin. The Commander's face only consisted of worry lines and black circles under his eyes.

"So someone doesn't want us to do research?," asked Hanji in wonder. "But why should we live behind the walls forever?," she muttered to herself.

"I can't answer that. But right now our first priority is to defend humankind. Not to bring Titans into our last remaining territory." The Commander sighed as he saw the evil twinkling eyes of his soldier. "Hanji, there will be no approval and no money from the government for this. More expeditions are also cancelled for this year," Erwin replied irritably. "So you'd better save the strength of your attempts of persuasion."

"What?" Hanji could not believe Erwin's words. "But then we've only been out once this year."

"The decision was made in Mitras," Erwin replied tersely.

"And you are content with that? Don't we have to look for that giant Titan? What if he destroys the next wall shortly? Has the government become completely indifferent towards the people?," inquired Hanji, perplexed.

Levi thought he detected a brief twitch in the Commander's face. In general, Erwin showed more emotion than usual. "Too little sleep?," pondered Levi.

"As I said, the decision was made in Mitras," Erwin repeated.

"So when do we go back outside the Wall Rose?," Hanji wanted to know. Erwin's statements confused her.

"Spring," Erwin replied barely audible.

"Something's wrong," Levi reasoned. "There's something you're not telling us. Something must have happened in Mitras." He had not missed that Mike had immediately turned his gaze away from his friends at the Commander's brief reply and was now looking sadly out of the window.

"Until then, we have intensive trainings." Erwin looked back and forth between Hanji and Levi. "In case that Colossal Titan shows up again. So we'll be better prepared than last time." Erwin knew that neither Hanji nor Levi believed his words. "By the way, the Garrison Regiment also has more trainings," the Commander tried again.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now