45. "I guess we should mix us, huh?" - "Not possible."

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Levi shook his head at himself. Like he had done so often in the last few days. The mirror had not been able to hide his idiotic grin from him. The grin that always appeared on his face when he looked at the two toothbrushes in his toothbrush mug. He turned off the tap and dried his hands. Footsteps could be heard in his office room. Since there had been no knock on his door before, it could only be one person. The only strange thing was that she didn't say anything. Levi frowned and quietly opened the door. Through the crack, he watched as Ayumi stood in front of his bookshelf and moved a few books aside. "What is that brat doing? Decorating?" Levi's brow furrows deepened. But Ayumi seemed to have changed her mind. She pushed the books back together and went to Levi's desk. There she placed her small package wrapped in newspapers. Shaking his head, Levi stepped out of his bathroom after Ayumi had shifted the package back and forth on his desk several times.

"Can I help you?," he asked emotionlessly. Only his desk chair separated the two.

"Yes," Ayumi said coolly. "Can you just open it?" She pointed to the small package. "I was going to give it to you as a birthday present. But then I realised that I don't know your birthday." She pushed the small package towards him. "And somehow every day counts for us. Well, maybe not for you. But for me it does."

Levi felt goose bumps. He hated that sentence. But he covered his fear. "Are the rest of the biscuits in there?" He pointed to the single vanilla biscuit that was on top of the small package.

"No, that's the last one," Ayumi replied.

Levi crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Why do I only get two biscuits when you had three sticks of vanilla?"

"Because I gave the rest to Henry Dober," she explained. "Are you mad?," she added as Levi sat down silently and poured himself a cup of tea.

He shook his head. "No. I just don't know if I should ask you now how your conversation was," he replied honestly, biting into his biscuit.

"I think Henry Dober told you the most important things about my mother too," Ayumi finally said quietly, leaning against his desk.

"So you don't want to talk now?" Levi took a sip from his cup and began to open the small package. His focus, however, was on Ayumi.

"No. Not today. If it's okay with you," she replied barely audible.

Levi nodded. "But if you want to talk, you can always come to me." Out of the corner of his eyes, he recognised a book. "You know that yo-," Levi jumped up from his chair as his teacup crashed on the floor. "Chagara!"

"What?," asked Ayumi, irritated. She didn't know to what she should react first. To the shards of his teacup, the spilled tea, the overturned chair or to Levi's horrified expression.

"What?" He looked at her, shocked. "Is that all? Shouldn't I be asking that?," he replied, upset, running his hand through his hair.

"Is it the wrong book?," Ayumi asked, now terrified.

"No. Yes. I mean." What did he mean? Perplexed, Levi crouched down and began to pick up the broken pieces.

"Don't," Ayumi shouted and grabbed his hand. But it was too late. Levi had cut himself. She pulled her boyfriend up and pushed him towards his couch.

The wound was not serious, but blood dripped from his index finger.

"Do you have any bandaids here?," Ayumi wanted to know.

Levi shook his head and let his girlfriend push him into the cushions.

"I'll get some then." But before Ayumi reached the door, Levi had woken up from his shock.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now