Bonus: Yama

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After being sent away Yama walked through the hotel walls moving things around in people's rooms out of boredom. He plucked necklaces and rings from women's jewellery boxes dropping them behind dressing tables and into air vents, never to be found. He kicked at things and dropped through the floors until he felt he'd been gone long enough. Just as he slowly made his way back, he felt the whole weight of his body like it might sink him to the ground. His heart twisted inside him and he put his hand to his chest. He couldn't feel (y/n) anymore, their connection had broken.

"No," The word escaped his lips as he darted back to the room. "No." Panic gripped him. He passed through the final wall and came across the bodies that littered the room and amongst them lay (y/n). "Get up," he ran to her dropping beside her. "You're playing, stop pretending." He lifted her into his arms soaking himself in her blood. His eyes broke away for only a moment to realise L was dead beside her and next to him laid the murder weapon. It was the knife (y/n) had used to kill Light. He'd done this. L had taken her from him. He seethed with anger but it all fell away when he looked down at her again, limp in his arms. She'd had longer on her clock, this wasn't how she was supposed to die. Yama had told himself he'd find a way to make her live forever, she'd be a God beside him. He stroked her cheek and pressed his forehead to hers.

"You were mine," He said sadly. "Why did you need them?..." He closed his eyes. He couldn't feel her warmth anymore. He carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed, stroking her hair before stepping back. As Yama looked at her pale, lifeless body he told himself she'd be waiting for him in the Shinigami realm despite knowing it couldn't be true. He broke the lighter off from her necklace and lit the corner of the bed on fire.

"Out in a blaze of glory," Yama said and proceeded to walk around the rooms lighting curtains and sofas on fire. He collected the Death Notes and the remaining evidence he or (y/n) were ever there. He crouched beside L and poked his face. "You won't find forgiveness where you're going." Yama said with hatred. He stared at L but couldn't find any pleasure in his death. "You were smart to kill yourself." He said looking at the red that spread in the centre of his stomach. "I would have done a lot worse." He stood and faced the open room where (y/n) rested. He watched at she was engulfed by the flames, wishing she'd sit up and run to him. He stood there long enough to feel the heat before he finally turned his back and left.

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