One By One

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Once again I go to the hotel room everyone was working in. I open the door with Yama walking in behind me. Only L and I could see him now. I'm going in unsure what to expect. Had he told anyone? How was Light feeling towards me right now? I'll guess I'll have to just wait and see. 

"Oh Nari, Ryuzaki said you were sick. Are you better now?" Matsuda asks looking up at me, making everyone else pay attention. I glance at L who actually looks a little scared. You should be, bastard. 

"Well I'm still feeling a little off but I can manage." I smile sweetly. I wink at L. I look around to see where everyone is sitting and my eyes meet Light's. I give him a wave and he stands. I suppose I need him now L isn't on board with me after all. He goes to walk towards me but I shake my head and he stops in his tracks. I take a step past Aizawa. Bye bye. Suddenly he splutters a noise. At first, no one pays too much attention but he grips his chest and everyone's on their feet. He tries to stand from where he'd been sat on the sofa but when he attempts to grip the coffee table for stability he misses and collapses to the floor. He gurgles and coughs in pain. 

"Aizawa!" Yell multiple people rushing towards him. I look at L who eyes me. 

"Stop!" L yells but everyone is surrounding Aizawa and pays no attention to the stare down between L and I. 

"Make me." I smirk. I look at Light who had moved towards the scene but he stops next to me. 

"What are you doing?" He says under his breath, looking at Aizawa like he wasn't even talking to me. But neither am I looking at him. I hold eye contact with L. 

"Getting revenge." I reply. 

"He's dead, heart attack..." Mr Yagami announces angry. 

"What will we do? We can't have medics up here, everyone will know where we've been doing out meetings and see everyone in the task force as well as L." Mogi says looking to L for ideas. L knows he can't tell them I did it, or I could kill them all off in seconds. I may not have my Death Note in hand but Yama is at my heals. L explains how'll they'll deal with it but I'm fazed out as I look at Aizawa's body. He was the married one, the one with a kid. I suppose it sends a message that no one gets spared. I feel like I should feel guilty but I don't, I feel a rush, adrenaline. 

"Why Aizawa though?" Light says out loud. "Why and how did he get Aizawa?" Light says like he's hurt and angered but I see the fire behind his eyes, he's racing too. He feels like he's part of this big secret as much as I am. 

"Maybe it's a message," I say as if I'm thinking out loud but I had thought of all this bull shit before I even killed him. "Saying he knows who you all are, or that's what he wants us to think and he only knew Aizawa's identity..." I stop when I see Matsuda holding Aizawa teary-eyed. Pang. There's the guilt I was waiting for. It's subtle but seeing someone so soft like him hurt is a little hard to see. 

"Can we not talk about him like he's some 'thing'. Aizawa was my friend and he's dead. Give it a second, jesus!" I bite my lip and take a step back. Watch your mouth or you'll be next. I almost laugh when the thought comes to mind but I keep a poker face. 

"You're right, sorry," I say and stand next to Light. 

- .... . / ..-. .. .-. ... - / - --- / --. ---

Aizawa had been taken hours ago and the room, although silent, felt filled with noise. A white scream going through everyone's ears but it affected me differently to everyone else. This was a sad time for them all but for me... I'm fucking loving it. I'm starting to see why Yama saw me as weak for letting emotions get in the way, they look so pathetic. Moping over one team member. A friend sure but they went into this knowing the risks. 

"Do you think Kira knows I'm helping you? I came here to help, I suppose I hadn't even thought there was a chance of me getting hurt. I'm not about to walk away don't worry but it just came to mind." I say like I'm frightened. L looks very angry at that comment. 

"There isn't a way of knowing but being here is a risk for everyone." Mr Yagami says looking at me thoughtfully. The room goes back to quiet. Ugh, this is boring. I turn to Light who's sat on the same sofa as me. 

"You said 'why Aizuwa' right? Do you think that maybe they met without Aizawa knowing it was Kira, maybe Aizuwa pissed Kira off? Doubtful but..." I don't even finish. 

"Shut up Nari!" L says angrily. I almost smirk but I act shocked. My suggestion was dumb but I wanted to piss L off. 

"Wow Lolly, I didn't know you were close with him," I say apologetically. 

"She's just trying to help, Ryuzaki." Mogi defends me. This is fucking hilarious. L clenches his jaw. I walk over to L. 

"Sorry. But I hope you don't feel this is your fault." I'm facing away from everyone so I smile devilishly. I bring my hand to his face, caressing his cheek. He flinches away but I bring it to his neck and he slightly relaxes into it. I can see he's mad at himself for liking it. Soon as he brings himself into my touch I take my hand back. I smirk at him. He can never resist. I go back to Light who looks pissed. Oh yeah, he's never seen me do that kinda shit before but he did get real pissed when he saw L had left hickeys on me. I put my hand on his and squeezing it and taking it back before anyone could see. I enjoy the jealousy but I can't have Light jumping up and ruining anything. I glance around the room and see Matsuda moping. He'll be tomorrows kill. At that moment he raises his head and looks at me. He's teary and is clearly not suitable to be working right now but seeing the face of someone you hurt is strange. Seeing a reaction to my doing is strangely thrilling but... with Matsuda, someone so soft, he can really make you feel a pang of guilt. I give him a sympathetic look then turn away. I have to get rid of him tomorrow or I'll start second guessing myself and I will not do that for some idiot like him.

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