Hidden Compartment.

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I don't have a number to call any of the task force on, I need to get in contact with L. He's probably worried. However, I'm not sure if I'm willing to go back to the hotel after having punch Mr Yagami in the face. I smirk making Yama look down at me as we walk along the street. It's Soichiro's fault I did it. He had grabbed my arm and assumed I had done something stupid. I hope it bruises badly. I glance at Yama who is looking ahead. I'm still feeling resentful he interrupted my confession to L.

"I need to see L," I say and stop walking. Yama turns to me. I know he doesn't like L but after what he just did, he's in no place to complain. "I need to explain everything and talk to him about what I'd said before it got hectic," I say and start to think up a way of avoiding the idiots in suits and just seeing L. But without knowing where everyone is and having no contact with L, the only way is to go to the hotel. "I'd like to go alone though Yama," I say and he frowns.

"I can't let you be alone there. You hit that human before you left, he may be vengeful." He says refusing but I shake my head.

"Trust me he's not the kind of man to hit a woman back. He's stupid." I say but Yama is still hesitant to go home without me. "I'll be fine. But if you're that worried then just wait in the hall or something." He nods and we take a turn heading for the hotel.

I knock on the door and it flies open instantly. L is stood looking at me with flared eyes. He seems panicked but upon seeing me he slightly relaxes. L isn't supposed to answer the door in case someone has discovered our location. He pulls me by my arm into the room and closes the door. I look around the room and to my surprise, everyone is here. My eyes comb the room for Mr Yagami and sure enough, he is sat on the sofa with a large bruise darkening his skin on his jaw. I try not to smirk by pinching my lips together. They're going to ask me why I ran off and why I'm suddenly fine now. I haven't been able to think of a good enough excuse so far.

"Thank God you're okay," Hideki says and I look at him confused.

"I'd like to apologise for my behaviour Nari, it was unprofessional. I'm sorry, I should have trusted you." Mr Yagami says and I just stand looking at everyone completely stunned. I look to Light who seems completely rigid, his eyes are focusing on the floor. What's happening right now?

"L, can we talk in the other room?" I ask and he nods, clearing also having been waiting to talk to me. I lead the way but his feet move quickly so he opens the door, holding for me to follow him. I walk in and don't bother to take a seat. I turn to him. "What the fuck did you tell them?" I ask kind of amused but worried. 

"I said that you were actually working undercover, helping with the case but to keep your alias I couldn't even tell them about you." He explains but it doesn't really make sense.

"But I came here because of Matsuda," I say and he nods.

"I said he was in on it, he not exactly here to defend himself." Whoa dark. 

"I'm still confused why I would have used an alias in this group..." I say but he shakes his hands stopping me.

"Trust me I made it make sense. But listen, after saying you are here undercover, I said you had been called about a lead when we were in this room together and in panic you had to leave so you hit Mr Yagami for stopping you leave due to its importance." He says.

"Ooh. That's why Mr Yagami apologised. And Hideki thought I was in danger, going to meet Kira would have been dangerous." I say, pleased with how he dealt with it. We don't say anything for a few seconds. Are we going to pretend I didn't say I loved him earlier?

"About earlier - " We both say at the same time. We both try and let each other speak till I refuse to go first and stay silent, making him go first. 

Light x Reader x L - Death Noteحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن