They Drew Their Swords And Shot Each Other

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I hadn't even bothered to ask if Watari would be able to hear us from where we were but it wasn't until we were breathless and without clothes that I had my thoughts in order. But if I had known if Watari was in earshot or not then we might of had to be quiet and it would not be worth it as I would pay to hear L's grunts again. The first time I saw him I saw a pale guy with a lack of sleep but now, as I lay on his bare chest that raises and lowers with every breath beneath me, I see a whole new guy. I run my fingers over his stomach, going slightly under the blanket that covers our waists. We had moved from the sofa to the bedroom just in case someone on the team came and would catch us mid-act. He kisses the top of my head and plays with my hair. And then he says something that I have always been afraid to hear.

"I think I love you." He says with a soft voice that was usually so monotone. My hand pauses its motion on his skin but then continues. I raise my head and look at him in the eyes. He's not expecting anything back... I can read people very well. L had been harder to read but I can see that he said that purely as he wanted to just say it, he doesn't expect me to return the notion. I bring my hand to his hair and move it out his face, as I do so, I caress his skin and lean in and give him a soft kiss only lasting a few seconds. "What was that?" He breathes. He knew it had meaning. I wasn't ready to confess something like that, I never had as I knew it wasn't the right moment, and neither is right now. 

"I care for you," I say instead. He smiles and touches my cheek. It's a genuine smile and that's what I like about him. He'll take what someone gives him, he would never get mad at someone for not returning his feelings straight away. 

-.. .. ... -.-. --- ...- . .-. .. -. --. / ..-. . . .-.. .. -. --. ...

(Time skip)

The room is filled with everyone talking about crap that I don't care about. Every time I look up to L, I see he's also glancing at me. He gives me little smile but it suddenly fades and I don't understand why until I'm suddenly being dragged into the other room by Light. L must have seen him come up behind me. Soon as the door closes I'm pinned to the single sofa and Light looks down at me. 

"You and Ryuzaki, what the hell's going on?" He says harshly. I roll my eyes.

"Aww, are you jealous Light?" I sit up straight and gently flatten the crease in his shirt. 

"Don't give me that. You and Ryuzaki are acting different, what's happened?" Well, I can't be honest or this could fuck things up. From the way things are looking, I should just get Light out my way but something's stopping me. 

"I need everyone on my side. A little flirting never hurt anyone." I say bringing my hand to his face but he pushes it away and grits his teeth. 

"Flirting, is that what hickeys are called now?" He holds my chin and makes me raise my head looking the other way revealing the marks L left. I softly push his hand away. 

"Babes, don't worry I got it under control. I can't turn him away or it would ruin our plans. I need everyone wrapped around my fingers, that's how you use finger puppets." I say pushing my fingers through his hair. For a second he pushes into my touch but suddenly he's on his feet. 

"No, I can't sit here and touch you when I know L had his hands on you. Just tell me his name and I'll kill him. I know it goes against our plan but..." He's thinking irrationally but soon as he said he would kill L then I'm ready to kill Light, with or without the Death Note. 

"No!" I accidentally yell. He looks at me shocked. I take a relaxing breath. "We can't mess up now, not after all of this." 

He frowns then a wash of realisation goes over his face. "You like him. You're never going to give me his name." 

I roll my eyes. "Don't be silly Light..." He frowns and I stop in my tracks, I can't fake it now. 

"I can't let him get away with this." He stands and goes for the door but I pull his arm. He tries to free his arm and in the commotion his elbow hits my cheek making me fall back. I hold my face and wince. Light looks down at me shocked. Even though he now has the chance to leave the room he completely forgets what he had been doing when his eyes land on me on the floor. He rushes to my side and tries to raise my chin to look at me but I push him away.

"Get away Light," I say. 

"It was an accident I swear. I would never hurt you on purpose Nari." As he says the name it makes me realise how little knows about me, he doesn't even know my real name. I push him back. I know it was an accident but it was him who did it and for some reason that makes me want to cry. And I never cry. If it was anyone else I would have been on my feet and hit them back but I was upset Light was capable of hurting me which doesn't even make sense. He tries to apologise and hug me but I shove him back again.

"Get away Light!" I yell. Suddenly the door opens and Mr Yagami is the first to appear, followed by everyone else including L who looks worried. 

"What's going..." Before L can even finish asking his eyes spot me on the floor with my already bruised cheek, he then looks to Light who was now standing a few paces away from me. L isn't one to act irrationally, he goes by facts not just how things look, but the moment he observed me on the floor and Light standing in an aggressive manner, L lunges at him. Light already wants to hit L so they just go at each other as the team try and get them off each other. During the commotion, I escape the room and go out the front door. Yama looks at me with fury in his eyes, his Death note visible in his grip.

"Say the word and the place goes up in flames." He says but I shake my head. 

"Not yet."

Light x Reader x L - Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now