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I come back to the Hotel room but the whole group isn't here. L stands up as soon as I enter the room for a change. Light is also here but without his father. 

"Where is everyone?" I ask walking over to the same sofa L and I had a make out session on yesterday. I lay on it in the same position L had pushed me into and he noticeably blushes. The pink on his cheeks contrasts with his pale skin. 

"After Mogi getting hurt and Matsuda and Aizawa dying, everyone just wants to be with their family in case something happens to them." Light replies. Lifting my feet then placing them on his lap once sat on the sofa. 

"And you don't want to do that as well Light?" I ask, tilting my head. L doesn't know I've been working with Light so I have to keep up like he knows nothing about me. 

"I don't think we should just drop the case out of fear, we have to keep things going. What about you? You're here too." There is a curve on his lips, a quiet smirk that only I can recognise. 

"Well I don't have family so what's the point in staying home? I'd rather be here with you guys." I glance at L, who's pulling up a chair closer to the sofa to sit near us. 

"No family?" L questions, crouching on the seat. 

"No, I've lived alone for quite a while. I'm not close to my family." Well it's pretty much true. I just left out the part that any close family members I had are now dead, down to my doing. 

"Oh, that must be lonely." Light says putting his hand on my leg, slowly stroking me. 

"Nah I have a pet." I say and almost laugh when I hear Yama growl. 

"A dog?" Light asks but I look to L when I answer. 

"Yeah, called Yama." Light knew of my Shinigami's existence but I never let him see Yama. Both L and Light think they are in a secret with me that the other doesn't know but both understand what I'm saying. This is hilarious. Light chuckles.

"Sounds cute." He says holding eye contact with me as if to say he understands. When I look to L he seems a little uneasy at the mention of Yama, he looks away from me and up to Yama who is stood behind me but quickly looks away again. Yama chuckles at is uneasiness. Suddenly I hear a phone ring and I look from boy to boy waiting for one of them to reach for a phone. Light pulls one from his back pocket and mumbles something before answering it. "Dad I'm fine here, Nari and L are here. I should stay." He pauses for his father and on numerous occasions tries to get a word in but is clearly cut off by his father ranting. "Fine, okay. I'll head over right now." He hangs up and sighs before looking at me. "My Dad is worried about me so he wants me to stay at home with him, mum and Sayu. I'll talk to you both soon." I pull my legs off his lap to let him free. He comes round the back of the sofa and bends down to kiss my head before leaving. Once he's out the door L gives me a strange look. 

"What was that?" He asks and I wait for him to explain what he means. "The touching, the kiss. Does he think you guys are an item or something?" He doesn't seems mad but with such a monotone voice it's hard to tell how he's feeling. 

"Of course not, I guess after getting to know each other on the case, we've become some-what friends." He nods but doesn't seem pleased. 

"About yesterday..." He says getting off his chair and sits where Light had been putting my legs on his lap. "What are we? You said you had to think about all that but I don't know if we are supposed to be enemies or... yunno - lovers." I smile a devilish grin at the word 'lovers'. I sit up and crawl over to him. He watches me as I get onto his lap, straddling him. 

"Or, we could be both." I lean over to whisper in his ear. I grip onto the front of his shirt as he raises his hands from his sides to hold my lower back. 

Light x Reader x L - Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now