Exit Wound

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Mr Yagami rises from his seat with a fearful look on his face. He can't stop himself. I have a little smirk on my lips. "Soichiro?" L asks but he doesn't reply. Mr Yagami walks over to Hirokazu Ukita who just looks up at him puzzled.

"Chief?" He asks. Once again no reply but Mr Yagami's intentions are quickly uncovered when he punches Ukita in the face. Ukita falls back into his seat horrified, putting his hand to his jaw where his friend had punched him. Mr Yagami uses this chance to take his work mates gun into his hands. Everyone jumps to their feet, not sure what they're supposed to do. 

Pure fear overwhelms Ukita's eyes as Soichiro points the gun to his face. Midway through a yell for help, Mr Yagami shoots Ukita in the head. He has no set expression but a tear falls down his emotionless face.  He killed his own friend in cold blood and had no choice. 

Everyone looks to me. 


Like they know I'm doing this. 

Suddenly Hideki Ide runs at me and pins me to the ground. "YOU MURDERER DON'T YOU SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING?! MAKE HIM STOP! " 

He knows... 

I try and push Hideki off of me but he holds me down, he's a grown man and I can't match his strength. Suddenly he's pulled off me and Light is attempting to hold him back. I get off the ground and step away from my aggressor. 

I turn and glare at L who is clenching his jaw in panic, "What did you do L?" I say furious.

For a moment he doesn't respond like he's taking a moment to create a believable lie but when my stare hardens, he spills, "I told them who you were when you went after Yama. I thought I was dead for sure so I told them the truth. I wouldn't have if I'd known we'd both survive." I shake my head, not caring for his excuse. 

I look to Mr Yagami and he aims the gun at Hideki. Light, who had been restraining him, shoves Hideki to the side so he himself won't get shot too. Seconds later, there's a gun shot and a lot of blood. Hideki Ide, like Hirokazu Ukita, is dead on the ground. I lock eyes with Light who, until now, had a smirk on his mouth but a sudden look of realisation washes over his face. He looks to his father who is pointing the gun to the side of his own head. I thought it would be ironic if he killed himself using a weapon he hates. I knew he wouldn't have a gun on him so I had to make him take the weapon from Ukita. 

Light looks between his father and I. I can see him hesitating to do something.

"Nari... That's my Dad..." He says with pleading eyes. But he knows full well it's too late.


Mr Yagami pulls the trigger shooting a bullet into his own head, splattering blood against the wall. His body rag dolls to the ground. There is an uncomfortable thud noise when his head hits the ground. Even I squint, cringing at the scene. I look to Light and my expression relaxes. Light looks broken. He slowly goes over to his father and crouches by his body. Mr Yagami had squinted his eyes closed before he shot himself so his eyes are already closed. His head is gory, the exit wound really did a number on him. Light goes to touch his dad's arm but retracts his hand, changing his mind. He stands back up and just looks down at his father. He doesn't look exactly sad, just unprepared for it to have happened. He looks to me with eyes I can't read. I surprise myself by dodging his gaze. Instead, I look to L.

"So what now L?" I ask deviously. He doesn't reply, he just looks around him. He hadn't expected this. "I can't exactly trust you anymore can I? You told them my secret." I can feel Light looking at me, he must be confused about his conversation right now.

"You have to understand why I did it. I thought you and I were going to die." He says but Light interrupts.

"So L did know about you!" Light exclaims.

"And light knew about you..." L adds. I bite my lip as I try to quickly think of something to get this to work for me.

"L, you're not stupid. You knew Light and I must have been up to something." I say and L doesn't deny it. I look to Light. "And I told you there are things I couldn't tell you, including what I'd told L," I say and he hesitantly nods. "Don't act shocked just because I never exactly said it directly. Am I not allowed to rely on your intelligence to catch yourself up?" I ask dodging the main issue. They both sigh. 

L looks at Light. "What's her real name?" L asks but Light raises his eyebrow confused.

"Nari Yama..." He says but now isn't confident in his answer. L smirks. Light looks to me questionably and I roll my eyes but when I look down I see the three dead bodies. 

We seem to have fallen off topic. 

A/N This is shit and I'm sorry. I just spent my night in hospital after doing a stupid to myself :/ I've been very distracted and haven't updated in ages, I hope no one forgot about me already.

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