Part 1

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(y/n) Pov:

My Shinigami looms over me, looking at the names I write in the book. 

"So many names (y/n), you work so hard." He sighs.

I shake my head. "Yama, you say that too often." 

He nods sitting on the floor in an awkward position for his long legs. "Are you planning on reaching out to this 'Kira'?" He asks taking an apple from his stash in my desk drawer. 

"I'm not sure. It seems, if I've predicted correctly going by their actions, they don't have the eyes like I do. So they may try and use me and pretend to be on my side." I reply as Yama swallows the apple core. 

"I would never let them use you. If they try anything, I will deal with them myself," Yama says which is both worrying and comforting. 

"Do you think it's a girl? Maybe they're around my age." I think out loud, leaning back in my chair. 

"Perhaps you should find them but not confront them. That way you know what you're dealing with." Yama suggests. 

"Seems we had the same idea," I say sitting straight in my chair and think things over.

From what Yama has told me, with my Shinigami eyes I will be able to see the name but not the lifespan of someone in the possession of a Death Note. So looking out for that, I will be able to pick them out of a crowd. But I can't just mindlessly walk around searching for them. Nor can I do anything that would bring too much attention to me. However, I may have to be very forward and go straight to the task force that is looking for Kira. 

I'm a good liar, so if I seem to be of any help then they may take me on, eventually leading me to L who will lead me to Kira. I already have an advantage of knowing how he kills so I may be able to find Kira before L does. And if he seems to be a problem, I'll just kill him. But how will I get them to trust me? And what if approaching them leads them to suspect me? 

I spin in my chair and look at Yama in thought. He tilts his head curiously at me as I think.

Perhaps if I do something that will make them approach me instead, they will think they are in control of the situation but really I'm using them like puppets. Meaning maybe drawing attention to myself won't be so bad after all. 

I need to find out who exactly is in the task force but I can't just 'coincidentally' have them overhear me talking about the Kira case. Just talking about it won't be helpful, who isn't talking about Kira these days? I need to show I have some leads, I need something that they can hold onto. 

L seems to have always been so closed off and no one has supposedly ever met him up until this case, meaning he's in need of help of other people. Using the police force just gives him arms not brains. I could be helpful to L with my forward thinking. Surely my high intellect would attract the attention of L. 

So, I can't just walk up to the task force and say 'I want in', I need to find their weakest link and make them want me. I'll impress them with some big words and they'll just drag me to L thinking I'm help. 

But I doubt it'll be that easy, it never is. 

After some research into the local police force, I take to the streets. I'm lost in my thoughts as I so often am, when I overhear a man on his phone having a loud conversation.

"I can't believe L - uh - I mean Ryuzaki is having me walk to the coffee shop to get him drinks." The stranger complains.

I turn my head and spot the man walking toward a coffee shop with a phone against his ear. A suit and a tired look on his face. I'm no detective but that's a detective. 

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