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The door opens and I force myself not to peer over Watari's shoulder to see Light, more than curious if I'm able to see his life span. 

"Just stick with your alias and let me explain the reason for your being here." L says but I'm reluctant to agree. I like being forward and being the one to speak for myself, people remember you that way. The guy enters the room and his name above his head reads 'Light Yagami' and there are no numbers... No way. L has found Kira. Light's eyes glide across the room but stop on me. L goes to step in and explain my presence but I'm quick to take his place. 

"Hey, I'm Nari Yama. It seems I'll be giving a hand with the investigation." I put out my hand but instead of a handshake, I put it out for him to take and kiss. What can I say? I like to make an impression. While surprised, he seems perfectly happy as he lifts my hand to his lips and kisses it, all the while looking into my eyes. 

"Nice to meet you, Nari." Light says releasing my hand. "I'm Light Yagami." He introduces himself and I smile. 

"Assuming you're helping with the investigation, you don't seem very protective of your name, Light," I say tilting my head smiling slightly. He blinks a couple of times before replying.

"Well, neither are you Nari Yama." He says my name to emphasise his point. 

I chuckle. "Aww sweety you think that's my real name?" I tease and he pinches his lips slightly. No one told me he was going to be so handsome. I look at him from head to toe. Yeah, he's probably around my age. If he works out to be an ally then his age and looks are just a cherry on top of the cake. 

He shrugs. "I trust the task force." I step closer to him.

"But I'm not part of the task force. I just turned up today out of nowhere and I pretty much got handed the details of your entire case. You're not a little suspicious?" Well, I haven't really been told everything, I don't know their plan of action, only the details the team decided to tell me. 

Light looks around for an explanation. "Not to be rude but who is this?" 

L finally gets to do his explanation he had been patiently waiting to do, "Nari was brought to us by Matsuda, I would be mad at him if she wasn't so smart. I believe she will be a good addition to the team. But of course we only met her today so naturally, there are precautions we have to take." Light looks at me and I give him a wink. Before revealing that I own a death note I want to make him confess to me that he is Kira. It will be hard but I want to try. 

"So Light, what're your thoughts on Kira?" Kira would probably say that he doesn't like him, pretty basic, but if he's smart he'll know that we'd expect that from him so instead he'd say a little positive note about him while still maintaining that he's a bad guy. 

"Well I understand the idea of wanting to get rid of all the evil people in the world but he's going the wrong way around it. Killing all those people is inexcusable." I can't help but start laughing, he looks at me shocked as does everyone else other than L. 

"I'm sorry but before you even said that I knew that's how you would respond. I bet you'll hate me for saying this but you're a little predictable." I say and he frowns. 

"You don't even know me, you're pretty quick to judge." He says defensively.

I nod and shrug. "But I'm smart so it's okay." A little smile appears on his lips but he quickly wipes it off and looks to L. 

"So is there a specific reason you called me in or are we just doing some work?" Light asks. 

"Well, actually I wanted you to talk to Nari. I think you should get to know each other." Light raises an eyebrow. 

"So you want her to investigate me?" He asks knowingly. 

"Well yes but you're okay with that right?" L says. Light looks to me and I give him a devious smile. 

"C'mon, I just want a little chat. Who knows, we might turn out to be great friends." I tease. I can practically hear his sarcastic thoughts about me, flowing out his ear. 

L leads us to the room that he and I had been talking in and leaves Light and me to chat. We both take a seat and I use this moment to focus on behind him. Although I shouldn't be allowed to, my Shinigami, Yama, gave me the power to see other Shinigamis without touching the person's death note. I just have to really focus.

Yama isn't in the room with me right now, that way Light's Shinigami won't tell him I have one. I relax my mind and look for anything irregular. Slowly but surely a Shinigami comes into view. His name above his head says 'Ryuk' I like it. Although not obvious I tilt my head at him and make eye contact. Ryuk makes a questioning noise, unsure if I am really able to see him. I look away and act like I'd seen nothing.

"So Light. What's your favourite colour?" I ask.

"If this is supposed to be some kind of investigation method, I don't get it." He chuckles.

"No, I just don't want to ask you what I bet everyone already has. Some times little things can turn out to be more important than you think. So what's your favourite colour?" I push for an answer. He takes in a breath, giving little thought to his answer.

"Um blue I suppose." I write it down like it matters just to piss him off as it was clearly an unimportant question. 

"Blue - sky, water, cold. A good choice. But I prefer red. Like: lipstick, blood... apples." To anyone else I'm just naming examples but when the fruits name slips off my tongue I make eye contact with Ryuk again and he chuckles. Light rolls his eyes.

"If you're not going to be serious then I think we're done here, Nari." Before he stands I walk over to him and sit on the arm of the sofa he's seated in. I push my fingers through his hair delicately. 

"I'm sorry, I'm just playing with you Light," I say using a softer voice, he stays still under my touch. "To be honest I'm not even interested in working on this case. I just want to find Kira. I don't want him locked up or dead. I just need to meet him and see what he's like." He stays sat in the seat and I play with his soft hair. Affection is one of my techniques. 

"Then why even be here, why not find him by your self? Everyone makes it sound like you brought a lot of information to the case." He questions me. I sigh.

"Well, I thought it would happen quicker if I came to L for help. L thinks Matsuda brought me here but Matsuda is very easy to use, it's sad really." I say still playing with his hair.

Light quickly stands up. "I should tell them about you. You're here for your own selfish reasons!" His anger is fake, I see right through him. I slip onto where he'd been sat. 

"But you won't." I shake my head. 

He looks at me unsure of what to say. "...Oh yeah? Why wouldn't I?" 

I raise my eyebrows knowingly. "I think you know why, Light Yagami." I stand up and he steps back but I keep walking towards him. This continues until he's pressed against the wall and my fingers are walking up his chest. "Because I know your little secret...." 

Light x Reader x L - Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now