Wait for it

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"Nari, can I have your opinion on something in the other room?" I look up to see L standing by the door to the other room, ready for me to follow him. I stand but another voice perks up before I reach L. 

"Shouldn't everyone be part of the decision making? What you say to her should be said to everyone else as well." Mr Yagami argues. I open my mouth to speak but L puts his hand on my shoulder. 

"I hope you trust my judgement Soichiro. And yes, everyone deserves to be kept up to date but I have my methods and for now this does not concern you." Mr Yagami reluctantly nods. "However, Soichiro I do not approve of you referring to Miss Yama as 'her'. Nari has a name." The others look at them both shocked but a devilish grin appears on my lips. 

It's good to know who is on who's side. 

I wink at Mr Yagami before closing the door behind L and I. "So what's the problem?" I ask and lean against the door. 

"Yama really doesn't seem fond of me." L said blatantly. There's no point denying it, he can hear Yama when he curses his name as he is very forward about his feelings about L. 

"True. Does that bother you then?" I say casually but he has a right to worry. Yama has recently sounded like he wants more of a say in what's going on and to take action without my consent. He so far hasn't done anything but who's to say he hasn't got a plan that only needs me to do one more wrong move for him to commence it. 

"Yama obviously has an influence on you and I can see he's pushing you to kill when you fail to do it frequently. I assume you know who it is he wants dead next." Influence me? I guess he does push me when I'm still on the fence about things but that keeps things moving, without him I would fall off track. 

"Mr Yagami. He's proving to be an issue. Yama and I both agree it would benefit me to drop him." I see L tense and clench his fists. "But I also see how it would cause as many issues as it would fix. I'm wagering if it would be worth it." L seems furious and I tilt my head looking at him. "Not what you wanted to hear?" I ask. 

"You are holding his life in your hands and treating it like an item on the shelf that you're questioning if you should buy or not. Is that what this is to you?" He says in a low monotone voice. He's furious but he always manages to look like he an outsider looking in on a situation with no bias opinions. 

"I wouldn't say it like that. I treat it more like a game I suppose. Just fucking with people because I can. None of them matter to me so why should I care? I see them no more important nor different to a toy so why treat them any different?" I like to see the anger rise in him but I think he knows what I'm doing. I like getting harsh reactions so he's probably trying not to give it to me. 

"So you think you're special? Like you're worth more than the dolls you think they are?" I grin at him. I don't know if he's trying to get under my skin but I know I act high and mighty but deep down I hate myself as much as I hate them, if not more. So to accuse that I think I'm worth anything more than nothing is beyond wrong. But I don't show that his words affect me. 

"I don't think I'm special I just think everyone else is garbage. They don't even reach the standards of being decent human beings, so yes I think I'm better but not because I'm some God but because everyone is just worse." This comment seems to interest him, his widened eyes relax to a look of disappointment. 

"So what about me? Am I walking trash too?" He says making me bite my bottom lip. 

"Don't be an idiot, of course you're not..." I mumble loosing my strong stance. 

"I'm doing what the others are doing, aren't I? I'm trying to solve this case, actually, I can't even do that apparently. The others are still actually working hard but I'm sleeping with the killer. So how am I'm indifferent to them other than the fact that I'm not even being loyal to the team?" And that's when I break. I take two large steps over to him then pin him to the wall. 

"How are you different to them? Because none of them are the ones who make me consider the effects of what I do. But you do. You make me second guess my first thoughts. Haven't you questioned why I don't just kill off the team? This whole task force is nothing but trouble for me but they still stand." His breathing is a little harsher as I hold him against the wall. "Because I'm scared if they go then you'll walk. I not ready to loose you L. You have every reason to hate my guts but it was only a few minutes ago that you stood up for me. They are out to kill me but I sit amongst them everyday because I know killing them will be the last straw for you." He let his head drop down, letting his hair cover his eyes. I let go of him but he stays leaning against the wall. "So you can go out there and tell them who I am and what I've done. But I'm telling you now L, if you don't just get rid of me now then their numbers are going to drop. I've held off so far but it's only a matter of time until you've realised your mistake of ever having spoken to me." I lean on the back of the chair. 

With all honestly I would hate for him to go against me but the words I spit are giving him no other option. "And you know why? Because I'm a fucking murderer and that's what killers do. They kill people when they want to -" I stand up and walk over to him again. He's still not looking at me. "- and I love it. No guilt, no second thoughts. So if you think you can kiss the mouth of someone who smiles when they see their victim cripple over, then you're wrong." I stand in front to him. He hasn't spoken in a while. Suddenly L stands straighter and grabs me, switching us around so I'm pushed against the wall. His eyes are glossy but crazed. He puts his hand around my throat but hardly applies pressure. 

"You're a murderer, you got involved in you're own case and pretended to be help. You seduced me and took my first kiss and virginity. All the while you continued to still kill and work with a God of Death." I can't help but smirk when he puts it so plainly. Even as bluntly as that it doesn't dull the story. But why is he saying all of this? "And I'm supposed to be saying this like I'm naming your crimes but really I'm naming why I think you're a genius and why I see you as people I had always some how admired. I would never go as far as say looked up to or idolised but you intrigue me." My hands hold onto his wrist as his hand still loosely grips my neck. 

"What's your point?" I don't know if I'm supposed to take what he's saying as his last words to me before he lets the police take me away or an opening to our story of when he finally devotes himself to who I am. 

"I'm ready for a change." I raise my eyebrow at him. "No more Lovers and enemies." Which side is he about to drop? He takes his hand away from my neck and moves it higher so he can bring his thumb over my bottom lip. He then leans in and brings his lips to my ear whispering to me as I stand completely still, forgetting to breathe. 

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