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We reach a hotel and I suddenly get a little worried that he's lead me somewhere else rather than to the meeting place of the task force.

"Um, why have we stopped at a hotel Matsuda?" I ask questioningly. He puts his hands up defensively. 

"I'm not trying anything I swear! This is where we all meet to talk about the Kira case. We change hotels every three days." I nod and look up at the tall building. That information will be helpful. They will surely be mad at Matsuda for bringing a stranger here and leaking information so there is a chance I won't get very far but I've already learnt a lot today so I won't be leaving empty-handed. 

He leads me to the lift and we stand in silence until we reach the right floor and walk down the hall. The whole way, Matsuda is creeping around like a spy on a mission while I just stroll beside him. He stops at a door that's just like any other. No one would suspect a major, confidential case was being cracked in there. Matsuda looks at the door then down at his hands which are full before he looks at me with puppy dog eyes. I knock on the door for him. A few seconds pass and the door is opened by a man with grey hair and a suite on. His eyes pass over Matsuda and stop on me. 

"May I help you?" He asks clearly defensive of the door he's hardly opened. Matsuda speaks for me. 

"This is Nari Yama. I bumped into her at the coffee shop and she had a lot to say about the Kira case, I think she could really help." I look at the old man's name in red above his head. Watari. I believe he works closely with L. Although he has a neutral expression, I feel he isn't happy to see me at the door. 

"One moment." He closes the door and disappears for a few minutes before returning. "Please come in." He allows us both in but we walk into an empty lounge. I look around. I had been half expecting a room full of papers and the task force busy toddling around like idiots thinking they are so smart. Suddenly someone comes out of the adjacent room with a moustache and swept back black and grey hair. 

"I hear Matsuda brought you here hoping you could help out with the Kira case." He says with no attempt of an introduction. I look at the name above his head. Soichiro Yagami, he's chief of police. 

"Well I had first talked to him not expecting anything like this to come of it, it was his suggestion to bring me here. It's very nice to meet you Mr Yagami." He looks shocked at me. 

"You know my name?" He says frowning. 

"Well, you are chief of police. I've done my research." I reply like it's obvious. He nods understanding. 

"Well, I'm afraid your coming here was a mistake. Matsuda shouldn't have said anything about the task force and I'm sorry he wasted your time." He says reasonably polite. I internally yell as I'm now going to have to turn this around in my favour without seeming too bothered or pushy. 

"Oh not at all, to be honest, I was shocked he told me anything but I knew it was with only good intentions. It's only that knowing what I know, I had hoped I could help you all." I turn and take a step to fake leave but he stops me.

"Miss Yama." He says and I smile. "Your knowledge? You have leads?" I turn back around to face him and nod like it's nothing. Suddenly the adjacent door to the other room opens again and two other people come in. Looking at their names I can see one's called Mogi and the other Aizawa. The guy with the slight fro was the one Matsuda had been talking to over the phone earlier. 

"Well then, how about you tell us some of your theories and we can see what use they are." At first they seem confident but once their eyes land on me they both blush slightly and look a little flustered, "Well that's if you're okay with sharing your findings." They add.

I proceed to tell them what I had told Matsuda and they seem as impressed as him.

"L had similar theories but you've delved quite deep into them already." Mr Yamagi says impressed. 

"Nari Yama, will you please come with me." Suddenly there is another voice coming from the room everyone came out of. He's slightly slouched, wearing a large, long sleeved top and his dark, messy black hair matches his shadowed eyes. I look at his name above his head. Lawliet huh? This must be L. I stand and follow without question. He closes the door behind us. He gestures to a seat and I sit down, looking at him expectantly. "You may have everyone wrapped around your finger but to me it's obvious that you're matching your personality to whoever you talk to. There is no way you bumped into Matsuda by accident." Damn, he's good. A devilish grin spreads over my face and I relax into the chair. 

"Okay, maybe I intentionally talked to him after overhearing his loud conversation on the phone. But it wasn't like I was out looking for him. He was talking to Aizawa on the phone complaining that 'The L' had told him to go get coffee for the Task Force. How could I not want to ask a little bit about it?" I say. L looks at me with the tip of his thumb in his mouth, only then do I notice I have let my habit of biting my pinky finger take over. I don't bother taking my finger away from my mouth. 

"Why are you so interested in the Kira case?" He asks making me roll my eyes. 

"This guy kills hundreds of people without laying a hand on them, I think anyone with a little intelligence is questioning that." I lie, I already knew how he killed I just need to know if this 'Kira' is an ally or a danger. He tilts his head. 

"But not everyone does something about it. I heard the ideas you told the rest of the team. Very impressive. Do you work in investigation?" He asks but I shake my head. 

"I sell tattoo designs. I'm nothing special." I shrug.

His eyes widen. "You do that work on Kira as a hobbie?" 

I nod wondering why he was so shocked that I could work that out alone. "You may be a good addition to the team but I need you to meet someone and I want your opinion." Is it someone he suspects? "I can't tell you my personal thoughts on them yet but once you meet him I need your honesty," L says. "Light Yagami is the son of Soichiro Yagami, chief of police." He tells me and I nod. For a man that has been so careful for so long, his openness feels odd.

"Sure no problem. I assume he's a suspect. Has Kira been in contact with Police files then?" I ask and he frowns. 

"How'd you reach that conclusion?" 

I sigh as to me it's only obvious. "You're suspecting someone close to people in the police force. It only makes sense that you suspect them because Kira has been able to acquire confidential files that people of the public should not be able to get their hands on."

"I'm impressed Nari." He says with a slight smile to his lips. I nod at him as a quick thanks. "Maybe Matsuda wasn't so dumb in bringing you here after all." I chuckle. 

Oh but he was.

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