Next One Down

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I sit in my apartment staring at a new blank page in my Death note as Yama looms over my shoulder suggesting ideas of how I could kill off Matsuda. I didn't even need to tell him I had planned on killing him next as he already knew my thought track and that it would only make sense to kill him next as he's the emotional one and I'm not good with blubbering idiots. 

"Suicide. That would be funny to watch. You could even have him confess to being Kira or something. Of course, L and light would know it wasn't true but that would only be better as L couldn't say anything. He knows what will happen if he speaks up about you." I slam my fist against the table. 

"Shut up for a second Yama!" I say clenching my fist with frustration as I feel a sting of pain from where I just hit my hand. "Heart attack." I say starting to write, I breath out as if exhaling my anger. 

"What?..." He's clearly disappointed. I continue to write my plan. "Heart attack? You're losing your touch." He says laying on the floor but I don't defend my self. I smirk at his ignorance. 

-- .- -. / .-- .. - .... / .- / .--. .-.. .- -.

I walk into the hotel room and I'm hit with a groggy aura. How dull. I take a seat on the sofa and wait for it to begin. I glance at L and sure enough he has his plate of sweet foods next to him. He watches me with a poker face. I wonder if anything he told me was real? I mean we slept together, would he as a detective go that far for a case? Did he have any feelings for me at all? Or was he using me the entire time? I try to push away all the questions in my head as I see Matsuda stand but he suddenly stumbles. He attempts to catch himself but falls to his knees coughing hysterically. Still on edge from yesterday, everyone runs to him scared. 

"Are you okay, what's wrong?!" They all ask desperate to help. Light is behind them all and I can see he's looking at me out the corner of his eyes, curious. All the while, L is still in his seat. He's clever not to be gathered amongst the rest of them. I step towards them all as if worried but I discreetly pinch at Light's sleeve and pull him back with me. Suddenly Matsuda yells out and everyone surrounding him takes a step back. There is a small glint of silver but it's only there for a few seconds and it's suddenly gone, sinking into the side of Mogi. A knife. Mogi keels over in agony. 

"Grab him!" He yells clutching his stomach. Mr Yagami jumps to restrain Matsuda but he's already spotted what Mr Yagami is doing and stabs himself in the stomach. I almost laugh but cover it with a shocked gasp. I glance over at L who is watching horrified. He looks over to me and I expect him to just stay where he is without an idea of what he's supposed to do but instead, he raises from his crouched position on his seat and quickly makes his way over to me. 

"Stop it! Don't let him die." I look at him emotionless. 

"Why do you think this is my fault? Quick Lolly go help him." I say patronising. He grabs my shoulders. 

"Don't think just because I care for you that I won't stop you (y/n)" Even now he whispers my name like a secret. Wait did he just say he cares for me? I look at him unable to hold back my shocked expression. "I can't let you do this to everyone." He says and I look over to Matsuda as he bleeds out with Mr Yagami restraining him from hurting himself or anyone else. It's too late for him. I made him puncture his vital internal organs. And with that thought, Matsuda's eyes softly shut and his body rag dolls into Mr Yagami's arms who had once been restraining him but was now hugging the limp body. I can see tears well up in his eyes as he holds tightly to the younger's body desperately as if thinking if he holds him tightly enough then he will come back. I look back to L. "Stop this now. You don't have to do this to anyone else." I shove him back. 

"Shut up." His facial expression remains neutral but I can feel his energy. Although at first glance he just looks tired and expressionless, on closer inspection, his hands are in tight fists and bottom lip is slightly tucked in his mouth like he's secretly biting on his lip nervously. 

"He's killing us one by one." Mogi says holding onto his stomach. He's not going to die but he may faint if someone doesn't assist him soon. I go to his side and apply pressure to the wound. 

"I'm going to call for help," I say and get out my phone.

..-. .- .-.. ... . / -.- .. -. -.. -. . ... ...

Once again we are left in the hotel room lacking in numbers. Hideki Ide and Hirokazu Ukita sit with Soichiro Yagami. It's only them in the room who don't know what's going on. Light, L and I all know who's fault it is. Mine. I hear Yama chuckling, I look up to him and see L also looking at him. Oh yeah, I forgot he can see him too. 

"And you said you were going to make it a heart attack. This is so much more amusing." I slightly look over to L and see he isn't showing much emotion but as he's watching Yama he lets out a slight growl failing at holding in his anger. 

"Sexy," I say looking over to him. He looks at me with dead eyes. I sigh. "You're so boring," I say rolling my eyes and lean into Light who puts his arm around me and glares at L. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Ukita asks watching us. "The entire time Matsuda was being controlled by Kira you guys didn't seem to be doing much to help and now you're all acting weird around each other. What are we missing here?" He says accusingly. Mr Yagami and Ide look at him shocked. I hold eye contact with him. 

"What? What on earth could anyone have done? If Kira wanted him dead then there is nothing we could do. No one knows how he does what he's does so we couldn't have done anything to stop it!" I say defensively. I even say it so convincingly that I almost believe what I'm saying. He looks down. "And I don't know what you mean by acting weird as right now I don't think after what just happened that there is a right way to act." He nods.

"You're right, I'm sorry." He says and I smirk. Shit. "What was that for?" I look at him without explanation. 

"I sneezed, are you going to get pissed with me for that too?" I say hugging Light.

 "Oh uh okay." I have to keep my crazy shit under control. 

A/N : Sorry I haven't been uploading as frequently but I've been lacking the motivation to write. Please leave some comments of what ya think about the story so far don't be shy I love reading them. Thanks for all the reads and likes ^-^ xx

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