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L never actually gave me a name to call him. Was it supposed to be obvious who he is or is he testing me to see how much I know already? I doubt people around here call him Lawliet but wouldn't calling him L be a little weird too? But what if he doubts my intelligence if I don't make it clear that I worked out who he is? I don't like doing things without a plan but I'm going to just wing it and hope for the best. 

"So, L what am I supposed to call you? Or do you feel special with the title L?" I ask confidently. He pauses and looks at me for a second. 

"So you worked out that I'm L. No one but Matsuda gave you their name, how did you know I was L?" He doesn't seem mad or shocked, just curious. 

"Well it was clear as soon as I dropped some big words on them they were on their knees taking in the information but you then stepped in with logical thinking. They seem like the guys with hands on deck and you're the brains steering the ship. Oh and Matsuda is the loose cannon." He smiles slightly but it quickly disappears. 

"But Matsuda brought you to me and it's clear he made the right decision. His personality may seem flawed but he has his good kicks." He points out.

"Fare enough. So, when do I get to meet this Light Yagami?" I say like I care but I doubt they have the right guy. They are going with facts but there is nothing straight forward about the Death Note. 

"Soon but I need to go over some things to see if you're trust worthy." I nod like it's nothing but I'm starting to feel wary. "Watari bring me the files." Calls L bringing Watari in from the other room. L puts out his hand as if expecting something but Watari leans down and whispers into his ear. L nods and Watari leaves. "Nari Yama was it?" He asks and I nod hesitantly. "I presume the fake name was you just being cautious due to the case we are researching." Damn they figured me out. But it's not like I expected the alias to last long with L. 

"Okay yes it's a fake name but you haven't even given me a proper name to call you. You are just as mysterious to me as I am to you." He doesn't seem pleased that I didn't just come right out with my real name. 

"The task force call me Ryuzaki. You can also call me by that name if you wish." I nod but wonder if the last part meant there was another option. 

"What if I do not wish to?" I say teasing. 

"Well L isn't very under the radar so I wouldn't refuse another suggestion." Oh the possibilities. I know I'm here to find Kira and no one else should matter but I could make some fun out of this. I like games.

"So like a nickname... how about Lolly?" I suggest and he tilts his head, questioning my choice. "Well it begins with L and you like sweets." I gesture to the plate of sweet treats he had quickly consumed as we spoke. 

"I've never had a nickname before." He says putting his thumb to his lips. I frown unsure if he was joking.

"But you have loads of names. 'L' alone is a nickname." I say. 

"Yes, however, nicknames are commonly gifted by others you are familiar with."

"I think the word you're looking for is 'friends'" I chuckle.

"Ah, yes." He nods.

 I'm so curious about him, I want to ask him questions. But I don't want him to question my motives.

"Would you consider the people on the task force your friends?" I ask leaning back into my chair. He ponders this for a moment. 

"No, I don't suppose so, more acquaintances and colleagues." He looks at me narrowing his eyes, "Why?" He asks.

"You don't seem like the type to grow close to many people, do you have friends?" I'm careful with how I phrase it so it doesn't seem offensive but it's hard to know what will offend him due to his strange yet interesting personality. My comment seems to do something to him though.

"No, seems I do not." Well, then that's where I fit in. He won't trust me at first, he's clearly not used to being open to people but with some swaying, I bet I could get him on my side making this Kira thing a whole lot easier. 

"Well, if you let me, after we get to know each other I hope I can be your friend." I smile. He blinks a few times looking a little thrown off. 

"Oh, um yes that would be fine." He seems a little uncomfortable. I lean in close.

"And who knows..." I lick my thumb and wipe away a crumb on his cheek then lick it off my thumb, "Maybe more than friends..." I stand up straight, "And as for my name, you can call me anything you want but I'd like to keep my real identity a secret. We'll get to know each other over time if you think my being here is a help to you and the team. That way I can break down this wall you seem to have built so high." I lean in close again and whisper to him "But you know what Lolly? I bet you're not a very good builder. One poke and it could fall down." I poke his chest and give him a sly smile before walking out of the room, joining the group of men I had shortly talked to earlier. L doesn't follow, he seems frozen. 

"So I understand if you guys don't want to give me your names but if you give me something to call each of you then it will be easier to talk to you all." I smile sweetly. They all seem to like a soft personality when it comes to girls, it seems they feel threatened easily by harsh personalities. Other than Mr Yagami, however. They're all very transparent.

"No it's fine, we have all talked about it, it seems you will be a good addition to the team so we will go by first names only." They all introduce themselves, not that it matters, I knew their full name the second I saw them. I give them my alias despite it already having been broken. While I talk to them all, Mr Yagami receives a brief phone call. He only says, "Yes, okay, see you soon." We all look at him expectantly. "Light is on his way." He tells us. The others all nod understanding but I'm intrigued. So this is the alleged Kira. Does this Light Yagami know he's being suspected? Why would he come? To clear himself of suspicion? But if he wasn't guilty why would he need to? The truth would do that for him, right? Does that mean maybe there is a chance he could be guilty? Suddenly L is next to me.

"He's not even here yet and you already think it's him don't you?" He says this with confidence, more rhetorical than a question.

"Well, it is strange. Assuming he knows that he's under suspicion, you'd think he'd want to just step back and let you clear his name if it wasn't him. The truth would work in his favour but he's coming here as if to help with that. If he trusts you are good at your job then he doesn't need to help you. For what reason would he want to be part of clearing his name? Sure, possibly to know that it's going well but his dad could keep him updated. So things he says during the investigation is the main thing helping him out I bet. He knows standing back isn't going to work for him as the truth isn't what he wants out of this. Meaning, if what I'm saying is right, he would be Kira." L looks at me with this slight smirk on his lips. 

"I like the way your brain works. You haven't even met him and you have come to a conclusion." 

I shake my head. "Not a conclusion at all. That's only right now. I can't possibly finish with that if I haven't even met him, I have come to that without even asking if he knows he's under suspicion, or if he has helped with previous investigations or his relationship with his father. This all adds to the investigation." L's small smile sits on his lips. 

"Well, you'll just have to ask him for your self." Then there is a knock at the door and Watari heads for the handle. I'm both nervous and excited. This could be good. 

Light x Reader x L - Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now