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Days pass and the secrets continue. I flirt with L while Light can't see, I have makeout sessions with Light and we share ideas on the whole Kira thing in the room next door and I act like I give a crap about the case. Flirting with L has been fun as he kind of just sits there tense but obviously enjoying himself, however, I'm the only one to really do any flirting, he just takes it all in. He'll compliment my work, he'll talk like I'm something special - like he's never met someone like me but soon as he says it he'll change the subject. Until one day L seems to reciprocate the flirting, no more holding back, no more compliments, just straight up sexual. 

... - .-. .- .. --. .... - / ..- .--. / ... . -..- ..- .- .-..

"Just us," I say laying on the sofa, looking at the ceiling. "Wish it was always just us. Not being mean to your team but sometimes I think we are the only one with brains in the room." He hums a yes, in agreement. He's not defending them? He usually somewhat agrees but then says something nice about his task force. 

"Yeah, sometimes I consider just dropping everyone and making it a duo team." He says taking a bite out of a cake. I sit up on the sofa and look at him a little shocked. 

"Even Light?" I ask and he considers this for a second. 

"Well, I would change it so he just wouldn't be as much part of the investigation as I've allowed." 

I tilt my head with a smile. "I'd like that." He looks up at me and puts his food to the side. One second he's walking in my direction and the next I'm pressed down on the sofa by his body. His face is inches from mine. I try and not show I'm shocked but a small gasp escapes. 

"You've always touched me when people are in the room but, now we're alone, I can finally do it back." I blink. All the touches I did to him, he didn't do it back because he didn't want others seeing? It wasn't like I had been suggesting fucking in front of everyone. Does he struggle with public affection? "I like the tease but you don't know what it's like having you sat on my lap without being able to do anything about it." A smile appears on my face.

"Then do something about it now." He seems a little nervous of my words, he was confident a second ago, what happened? "Wait... have you done anything like this before?" I ask and he stutters an answer. I'll take that as a no. I roll us over so I'm on top. "Then I'll show you." I grin. I bring my face to his and kiss him passionately, he's a natural as he reciprocates the kiss. I break the contact and I kiss down his jaw and down his neck where I start to suck and make marks. He's biting his lips and holding onto me with his eyes closed. Precious. As I bring my hand down his chest and to his jeans I slow my movements. I'm feeling... guilt? I feel like what I'm doing is wrong. But why... oh. This is the first time he's ever done this with anyone. I suppose while having to keep his identity a secret he can't get close to anyone and hasn't even had the chance to do anything like this. And now here I am, stealing his first moment with a girl and I'm a liar. I'm deceiving him. My hand stops at his trousers after having lifted his shirt showing his, to my surprise, toned stomach. How can someone who eats so much sweet foods be in this shape? I bring my fingers softly over his stomach and bring my lips to his skin. I kiss up his stomach and bring his shirt higher and higher. His fingers are pulling up my shirt as am I with his but just as I'm about to pull his shirt off and mine is above my bra I blurt it out, "You shouldn't trust me L." We both stop what we're doing. 

"What?" I move so he can sit up but I'm still on his lap. 

"I'm a liar, the things I said in the case are just redirecting you in the wrong directions. I had gone out to find someone part of the task force and found Matsuda. I don't even remotely like anyone who works on the case, I'm just good at reading people and know what they like to hear. I..." I rush and stumble over my works but I'm stopped when L rubs his thumb over my bottom lip and starts kissing down my neck. I sit statue still, confused. "But Lolly... I lied to you..." He shushes me, sending cool breaths down my neck. 

"I know." He whispers in my ear and slightly nibbles at my skin. Then why is he still kissing me? He sucks at my skin like I had done to him and I lift my head closing my eyes in pleasure. I let out a pleasured sigh. When he's done he holds my chin and makes me face him. "I knew you had been lying but I don't care." My eyes widen. So he knew the whole time? 

"Why didn't you say anything?" I say with slightly furrowed eyebrows. He looks at my face and strokes his hand down my cheek, I lean into his touch. 

"Because I trust you." He answers. I lean back, perturbed. I go to question him but he puts his finger over my mouth again, silencing me. "Because if I feel like I can trust a liar then that has to mean something." No one has ever said they trusted me because normally they would be wrong to. But why do I feel like he's not wrong to trust me? Even after planning all things against the Kira case, I had never planned on hurting L. I had at first hoped to seduce him and have him wrapped around my finger but I can't lie to myself anymore. I've fallen hard for him and in the end, all the touches and little kisses were just me reaching out to something I had refused myself to actually take and care for. I had wanted this all to be a game but it has turned into something much more real. 

"L..." I breathe.


I swallow the lump in my throat. 

"My names (y/n) (l/n)." 

He blinks and brings his hand to the back of my neck and turns my face to hiss, passionately kissing me. That may have been a massive step to being able to trust like a normal person and feel human for once or.. it was a step towards a colossal disaster. 

Light x Reader x L - Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now