CHR 1/CH 3-The Looking Glass and 'Incidents' on the farm

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The looking glass brought much joy to them both at first, and Auriel was soon summoning it almost nightly, before conjuring it away during the day, lest the children should see it and wonder at its use. She noted however, that as the days, (and nights) passed, that Guy was becoming a tad self satisfied with his own image; deliberately, positioning himself to favour his own body and never hers.

The lovemaking became almost secondary to his self worship, and her need for pleasure was almost completed disregarded by her husband. She felt so bereft of her joy that she became quite fractious, to the point that she was soon scolding her children for no good reason, and using spiteful words almost daily to the man she loved more than life.

Eventually, she began to see that a solution must be found, and whilst not wishing to deprive Guy of his great joy in the looking glass, and it's enhancement of his pleasure, she knew that a lesson needed to be taught to redress the imbalance in their lovemaking.

She gave the matter some thought, and that same evening, supper was prepared, eaten, and cleared away a little earlier than usual, with all the children safely abed just before sunset. She visited the bath house, first bidding her husband to watch the children, and when she re-entered the kitchen clad only in her nightgown, she bade her husband do the same. She knew that he always relished his bath, and that he would be easily persuaded to loving upon his return, when he had eased away the strains of the day.

There was just one candle lit upon his return, placed  by Auriel in the centre of the kitchen table, and looking up, she saw that he was also clad only in his nightshirt. She had brushed her auburn hair until it shone in the firelight, and there was a little perfumed oil on her body, because she knew that he loved the smell of lavender.

"It is a little gloomy in here my love," he said.

"It is as I wish it," she said, " I would ask a small favour of you if you please?"

"Anything," he replied, "if it is within my power, you shall have it."

"Then you must come with me," she said, opening the parlour door, and when they had both walked through, she closed it behind her.

"Ye gods woman!" he said, "it is as black as Hades in here!"

"That is my wish," she said, "I have moved the furniture to clear the centre of the room, and there are pillows on the floor, should we have need of them."

Then she asked him, "will you allow me to love you in the manner of my choosing, in this wonderful blanket of darkness?"

"If that is your wish sweet girl, then I am yours to command." he said, "I await your touch with great anticipation." He felt, rather than saw her move behind him, and he knew at once what she was about, but he said nothing, merely standing there as he remembered the first time she had behaved so. He first felt her breath on his back, and her hands on his hips, as her lips moved ever closer to him.

He already knew where they would fall, or he believed he did, but as ever, she surprised him, beginning the dance of her mouth and tongue at his waist, and slowly moving upwards to the nape of his neck. She barely took her mouth or tongue away from his skin, yet the anticipation of where her touch would fall next caused him to shrink away slightly with the trembling pleasure of it.

As she moved to his chest, and began again, he could no longer control his rapid breathing or the soft moans emanating from his throat. When it was finished he felt her breath in his face, and knew she was upon the footstool.

"I shall kiss you now, sweetheart," she said, " and I believe it will be a prolonged kiss, unless you wish otherwise."

When her arms reached around his neck, the kiss began, and he was enchanted, for no other woman he had ever kissed, could match her for tenderness or passion, and she was somehow contriving to combine the two, along with another he could not quite fathom at that moment, though he was to realise later that the kiss was enhanced by her invisibility. She stepped back briefly, and he heard the soft slither of her nightgown as it slid down her body.

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