CHR3/CH3-Gheraint's Defiance and Jealousy

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After the tragic event, none could precisely recall the day of Gheraint's bitter outburst, but the consequences were dire. He had for some days been fretting on something, but as he was unwilling to speak of whatever it was, no one was any the wiser. In the house, he was silent, though he occasionally communicated with his sister by eye alone, and Ghislaine being of short tempered disposition, accepted his taciturn manner, rather than waste precious time in discussion. His usually voracious appetite diminished somewhat, but as he was taking in nourishment sufficient for his needs, no one remarked on it.

Little Guy continued to absorb much of his Papa's time, with Abigail now almost secondary in his affections, though she appeared content merely to be in his company. She was as equally fond of her new brother as his doting father, content to bask in his reflected glory, just so long as she retained the privilege of her Papa's knee, should it become free.

She quickly ascertained that if her Mama took little Guy behind her shawl, then her Papa's eye might momentarily turn in her direction, and she was quick to take advantage.

Beatrice was content with her own company, as was Ghislaine, but it was Gheraint who felt the sudden lack of his papa's attentions most keenly.

"That boy is keeping secrets, " said Aunt Gwyneth, " I have never known him be so subdued, and his appetite falls away at every meal. He refused my blackberry pudding today, if he is not sickening for something, then his heart is troubled on something or other. He sought you out today Guy of Gisborne, did he speak with you of what ails him?"

"I was with Glenys when he came, " replied Guy, " the mare's hooves needed paring, and I was busy holding her head, she was that loud in her trampling and noise, that I paid him no mind. He will come to me again I am sure."

"I think perhaps he is in love," giggled Ghislaine, "for there is little else that would steal his appetite!"

"You will not speak so of your brother," said Auriel, " kindly seek him out from wherever he has concealed himself, he will perhaps ask my counsel if I am gentle with him."

The boy was duly found, but would not be coaxed, shrugging his shoulders when questioned. Auriel noted that he attempted to draw his father's eye during supper, but the moment passed, Little Guy being in his Papa's arms at the time. The boy followed his father when he carried out his final rounds of the day, checking that all the doors and gates were closed fast, but no discourse passed between them, apart from a little indistinct muttering as they walked.

"How can I advise the boy, when he keeps quiet on the matter!" said Guy when the children were all abed. "God's teeth, it vexes me beyond endurance to see him brought so low! How many days can he keep silent, and what can it be, that he cannot speak of it to his own father?"

"You have been a little distracted, my love," said Auriel, "entranced by your namesake, or so it must seem to our troubled boy."

"Can it be?" asked Guy, "does the boy merely seek my attentions? I have not sought to exclude him from my affections, why should he feel that I have, there is no sense to it. I have scolded him for climbing so high into the oak, a small matter of discipline, and surely allowed? Though I did threaten a beating if he should disobey me. He has my love, and will always have it, how can he not know that?"

" Because he is still a child," said Aunt Gwyneth," a child on the threshold of manhood, and a child who seeks to prove himself to the head of this household, but is unsure of how to go about it. You have two sons Guy of Gisborne, yet you are so enraptured by your namesake, you neglect your first born."

"I'll not be accused of favouring one child over another!" shouted Guy, "you forget yourself Aunt, I'll not chide you on it, but tread carefully, lest I forget myself! Every child in this household is cherished in equal measure, as was my eldest boy, your grandson, may he rest in peace."

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