CHR4/CH2-Rowena's Revenge

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The strange events about the farm began a month or so later, the first being muddied washing. On laundry day, which was generally the day after sabbath, all linens in the house were exchanged for clean, the soiled being washed and hung out to dry. At the end of a fine drying day, Aunt Gwyneth went to the lines, and noted to her dismay that mud had been thrown onto all the washed bedsheets.

Her temper was up when she carried the offending items into the kitchen.

"There has been mischief here," she said, "and I'll punish the offenders when I catch them out, now, which of you children has been at my clean linens today?"

Of course, there was no reply, as neither Beatrice or little Guy had left the house that day. Gheraint, Ghislaine and Abigail were at their lessons, and had not yet returned, so the event remained a mystery to all. When Guy came for his supper, he questioned all his children, but it was apparent that the fault lay elsewhere.

"It makes no matter to me who has done this thing, " said Aunt Gwyneth, " just that it has been done! The damned linens will have to be washed again, and my heart is not inclined to forgive the miscreants who carried it out!"

The second event was a little more concerning. Two chickens, a fat goose, and three ducks were taken, though there was no sign of blood, feathers, or any such disturbance round the coops. Auriel was much distressed by the theft, for such it was, as the evidence showed clearly that that a fox could not be blamed.

The thefts were almost immediately followed by another occurrence involving the drying lines, when it was found that personal linens belonging to Auriel had been slashed by a knife from waist to hem.

" Four petticoats!" she said, "and they'll not bear mending, for the damage is beyond repairing! Who can it be that hates me so? Bed sheets covered in muck, poultry taken, my petticoats rent, and the damned dog just lies there silent. Much use is he for guarding this house!"

"Either the dog is grown deaf in its old age," said Guy, " or the culprit is known to it, we must be thankful that no one has yet come to harm, and keep our wits about us. Whoever this is will surely falter in their stealth, and we shall catch them out."

"Has there been any such incidents at the cottage?" asked Aunt Gwyneth, " it may well be that we are not alone in this."

"I came upon Glenys in the cow byre this morning, said Guy, " she was tending to a sickly calf. She did enquire as to our present troubles, and the perpetrator, but made no mention of any such troubles of her own. This is a cause of great concern to me, some person or persons is coming onto our land for the sole purpose of making mischief, and if I had not seen Matthew Hopkins dead body with my own eyes, I would swear it was him, yet it cannot be so!"

Over the coming days, more annoyances occurred, all with no indication as to the person carrying them out.  None of the events could be explained, and none were deemed serious such as to cause anyone harm, but the distraction was causing discord in the house.

Things took a turn for the worst very early one morning, when the rest of the household were still abed. Guy rose at dawn, as was his usual habit, and upon opening the door to the yard, he saw blood had been smeared upon it. There were two small, but clear handprints, and a large heart  pierced with a dagger had been drawn with the letters A.G. within. He ran to the cottage and roused Hywell, asking him if he had seen or heard any thing untoward during the night, and telling him of the blood on the farmhouse door.

"Did you wipe it away Sir?" he asked, " should the Mistress or the children  wake early, they will surely see it!"

Guy rushed back to the house, but it was already too late, and he thought he would never forget the look on the face of his dear sweet girl as she stared at the bloodied door. She started in fear at his approach, turning to look him, her eyes wide with terror, and he hastened to enfold her trembling body in his arms.

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