CHR9/CH4 - Magical Indiscretion, and a Visit from Merlin

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The days after Auriel's confinement were exhausting, but joyous. The twin babes thrived and were much adored, most especially by their Papa, who spent endless hours in their company. Elizabeth's help in the house was invaluable, and she sang as she went about her work, along with Alice on the three days that she gave. She too was enchanted by the most recent Gisborne offspring, as were any that saw them.

They had been welcomed fondly by their brothers and sisters, and familial affection encompassed them all in equal measure. No child was left wanting for love, even though there were times when the chaos of such a large family precluded serenity. Babies meant noise, and they made their presence felt, as all children have done since time began.

Auriel recovered well from the relatively easy twofold birthing. The potions and counsel she had travelled so far to learn of, had staved off the worst of the pain, and had kept her calm. The spell of self entrancement had not been needed, but the memory of it remained should it ever be required.

In short, the childbed now held no fears for her, though she had quickly declared to Guy, that the twins had made their family complete, and she would not allow herself to be persuaded otherwise.

At her words, he had merely smiled, kissed her tenderly, then whispered to her that only time would tell, and God's will allow, but  she quickly reminded him of the preventative she was already taking each day, Eight children had been born to her, though one had been taken too soon, and there had been two children of their heart.

This number including the much loved Mordred, who had given his life for his Mama, and Simeon, whom Auriel had saved from slavery, and was now loved as their own.

The house rang with the joy of children's laughter, there was room and to spare for them in the house and heart of their loving parents, and all was as it should be. It was decided to name the newborn twins Oliver and Matilda.

No mention was made of Gabriel, and Abigail never spoke his name again. Both favoured their mother, to her great delight, and Guy loved to kiss the auburn fuzz slowly appearing on their tiny heads.

Auriel was able, for the first month or so, to take a rest each afternoon because of Elizabeth's presence in the house, and she was quick to take advantage of it. Gwyneth resumed again, the planning of her nuptials, much to the delight of Edmund, who had believed the day would never come.

He was a male witch of orderly habits, and held a strong desire for rightness and order in his life. He had loved Gwyneth since she was a girl, and he declared he would take her to wife, even if he died in the attempt.

Calves and lambs were born, several birthdays were celebrated, and the routine of farming life followed its usual pattern, save for the small matter of Ghislaine falling briefly in love with a pimply faced boy of earnest character named Rogert, the son of a local landowner, and a pupil at the Priory. His widower father was an erstwhile lover of Gwyneth, though this was never mentioned.

Guy was askance at the thought of his daughter being courted, though it could hardly be called such, as the poor boy was so enamoured of his lady love that he seldom spoke, merely grunting unintelligibly should he ever be required to join in polite conversation.

" What ails the boy?" asked Guy, " he says little, but eats much, I pray God it is not a love match, for I declare I will not look at that pox marred face again whilst I eat my supper! You must speak with her, discourage this folly that she seeks to inflict upon us all. She is but fourteen years old, surely too soon for all this spooning and such!"

But Auriel just smiled in her womanly wisdom, knowing full well that the liaison would be brief. She drew upon her own sweet and girlish memories, and the endless line of young men who had vied for her favours. Ghislaine was her mother's daughter, and as such was already wise in the ways of the world.

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