CHR3/Ch5-An Unsolicited Reunion and a Celebration

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A few days after their joyous coming together after their quarrel, Aunt Gwyneth asked for their company on a walk. It being Sunday, there was not a good deal of work to be done about the farm, though Elizabeth's two boys were on hand. The twins were keeping themselves amused in the barn with  two orphaned calves, and Elizabeth was happy to mind the two little ones. Guy carried his namesake as they set off, pointing out the many and  varied things that he thought his infant son may find of interest, though at merely seven months old,  nothing much held his attention for any great length of time.

"I observe much, but try to say little," said Aunt Gwyneth, as they walked along, "but I see the two of you deep in thought with each other, and I know you fret on your quarrelsomeness . As as member of this family, I seek your best interests, and I have some small advice for you, though it is breaking a confidence with which I have been entrusted, to tell you of it."

"Where there is great love, there can be also great bitterness, as you have doubtless discovered, and you may think yourselves alone in the almost yearly battles which take place. Yes, yearly! Well, there is another couple on this farm, who share this same great love, who even now are estranged in the same house. This young woman panders to her husband's needs to the detriment of her own, because he has so convinced himself of her infidelity, that he has lost all faith in her."

"No! said Guy, "it cannot be, Not Hywell, not Glenys, they have a new child, born in love he said, I was there that day, and saw the joy on his face as he looked at his  daughter!"

"I have seen that same joy on your face Guy of Gisborne, she replied, " yet there has been such strife in this house, that at times I have wanted to leave it forever!"

"But who is the man?" asked Auriel.

"Young Gethin has been making sheep's eyes at Glenys, and Hywell has caught him at it," she said. "She does not return his boyish affections, but Hywell is a jealous man and will not see reason. The whole sorry business will doubtless run its course, and the marriage will survive. Though it will take great effort by Hywell, and Glenys is very determined when her temper is up!"

"I tell you both this, that you do not see your differences as unique. I know that this has troubled you particularly Guy of Gisborne, I seek only to allay your fears. Now, how about a fat partridge for your supper, There are three that have been hanging in the barn a goodly while, and should be just right!

When the stranger appeared behind her as she gathered eggs the next day, Auriel reached for the pitchfork with which she had strewn the fresh hay on the henhouse floor. The stranger smiled, revealing very white teeth as she threatened him, raising his arms above his head as if in supplication.

"Who might you be Sir? she demanded, "and what is your business here?"

"I am Rebus, son of Gheraint of Camelot " he said, " if you are Auriel, then my search is over. I am unarmed, I have no magic, and am therefore no threat to you. May I lower my arms?"

"You will remain here whilst I fetch my husband, " she said, "step inside this henhouse, and I will draw the bolt. We do not welcome strangers, least of all those who make mention of magic, you are quite mad Sir, to speak so openly of such a thing!"

She quickly returned with Guy, who was wearing his sword belt, which he ever kept by him. He drew his sword, freed the bolt on the henhouse door, and the young man stepped out, looking a little sheepish, though still smiling, and with a light dusting of feathers.

Guy stared at him in some consternation."Good God wife, he has your face!" he exclaimed, "he is surely a relative, see, he has your crooked tooth to the side, and his hair colour is as close to yours as makes no difference. "Who are you Sir? If you are of my wife's family, you are welcome here, though I have always believed that Aunt Gwyneth was her only close relative."

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