CHR11/CH6 - A Man Whole Again Part Two

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It was a simple matter to prepare for the spell of rejoining, though Guy's nervous disposition caused some delay, whilst further reassurances were given as to his future well being.

Getting that which was to be joined with him to be still proved a little more difficult. Explanations were given as he continued to wander about the room in his agitation, still bemoaning the theft of his life by ' the Usurper'.

He was eventually persuaded by promises of his soon to be homeward journey, to the wife and children he professed so loudly to adore. That his feelings were genuine in his mind was very apparent.

But then, how would this not be? He was indeed a part of Guy of Gisborne as he claimed, and therefore felt the same love for his family.

That he held this portion of love did not diminish in anyway the feelings of his 'host body', Guy missed his beloved Auriel and his children beyond measure, and could barely contain his longing to see them again.

Before the spell could be invoked, Tilly took her affectionate leave of her handsome guest, stating that she would miss his presence sorely, and if he should ever pass that way again, he had better bring his pretty wife and fine children to see her, and taste her baking.

Guy held her tight to his heart for a moment, and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. He felt her tears, as if they were his own, and was sorrowful that he was the cause of them, but he offered his heartfelt thanks and bade her farewell, knowing that they were not likely to meet again.

He was not sorry to be leaving Nottingham however, a place that in his prior life had brought him nothing but sadness and bitter pain. Though he knew that it had eventually brought him his sweet girl, as she had travelled through time to find a mortal man to aid in her quest.

" The best day of my life," he thought to himself, " her love has redeemed me, and soon I shall see her again. God's blood, why must we always be parted when our love for one another is so deep?"

" Is this the price I pay for my former sins, if so I have paid dearly with the loss of her sweet presence, and that of my children. When will it be enough?"

"You are distracted," said Paladin, " you must be calm if this incantation is to come to fruition. Try to gather your thoughts, think of a quiet place that once brought you joy, in your childhood perhaps."

" If you are to be whole again, then you must be receptive during the rejoining, or all will be lost, there will be no second chance. See, I bind you by your right arm to the right arm of him that resembles you, this man who is part of you needs to be very close by to ensure the efficacy of our efforts."

Guy drew in a great gasping breath, and let it out slowly, allowing his clenched fists to open and his left arm lie still by his side.

" How shall I know?" he asked, " Will this other part of me simply vanish into me without my knowledge, or will I be aware, even for a moment, the he is contained within me?"

" You may feel a small tremble in your inner being," said Merlin, " and there may be darkness for a while, though nothing will last for more than a moment. Be you ready? Say the word and it shall begin."

" We will be here when you open your eyes again, but he will not, all will be as it has always been, and you can return to that pretty little witch you married, and that fine brood of young ones."

" I pray it will be so," said Guy fervently, " but if I should pass during this magical rejoining, tell her that I died bravely with her name, and the names of our children on my lips."

"Hush now," said Merlin, " close your eyes and we will begin. I have given a calming draught to the one who will rejoin with you, and you may feel a little drowsy after because of it, I will offer the vial containing the potion when you say that you are ready."

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