CHR5/CH5-'Fighting Fit',and Sir Guy of Gisborne Wins the Day

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Both the altercation, and the gently affectionate interlude that followed, were observed by Persephone, though she had been concealed from sight. She sighed as it came to her that there was assuredly no hope of entanglement with either Guy or Auriel, separately or together. But her spirits lifted when she thought of the coin she would be paid for her professional services.

The monies  paid would see to it that she would not have to bear another winter out of doors.

Though fit and well, and self sufficient in her endeavours, a woman alone was always viewed with mistrust, especially by wives of the errant husbands who constantly beset her, begging for her carnal favours.

She had sometimes managed to entice both husband and wife into her welcoming arms, even on one occasion adding a comely serving wench to the mix, but the encounter had proved so exhausting that she had vowed never again to stray from three to four.

She often wondered from whom her particular blend of desires had been inherited. As far as she could tell, her father had been a loyal husband to his less than amicable wife, allowing himself to be subjected almost daily to her spiteful tongue and contentious manner.

Although those of the magical realm could be thought of as a little flighty, she knew that her talents as a witch had absolutely no bearing on her 'desire to roam' between male and female partners.

At fourteen, she had already known the way of the world, straying often between various beds and partners, and it was not until she was caught out by her mother, that anyone had sought to correct her choices, as she had always favoured discretion.

It was true that she had tried the more conventional route to passion, but she found herself constantly dissatisfied by what was considered the norm by others of her kind. At sixteen her mother had cast her out into the world with naught but the clothes on her back, but her skills with the sword and crossbow had proved to be the saving of her.

She was strong and courageous, if a little mercenary in her outlook, and she had proved herself more than able to sustain 'body and soul'.

That this had never resulted in any kind of permanent dwelling for herself did not concern her. There was aways a cheap hostelry in whichever ever village or town she found herself, and her reputation as a guide and protector stood her in good stead when credit was required. She was known to be honest, and her word was her bond.

There were folks who questioned her masculine manner of dress, viewing it as unseemly, but she cared not a jot, either for the opinions of young wives, or their inadequate, though invariably rich, older husbands.

There were times when she allowed her passionate nature to have free reign, but she never allowed herself to be encumbered by any sort of permanent carnal arrangement. Variety was the thing, and she lived her life accordingly.

Whilst very taken with the handsome Guy of Gisborne, and even more taken by his lovely wife, she knew that there would doubtless be other distractions just beyond the next bend in the road, and this cheered her as she went to her comfortable bed in the farmhouse, after bedding down her horse for the night.

She sighed as she lay there, a shaft of moonlight moving slowly across the covers, waiting for the sounds of passion she knew would ensue as her hosts passionately and noisily reacquainted themselves with each other after a day spent apart, Guy working about the farm, and Auriel in its warm and comfortable kitchen.

"Perhaps it is time for me to seek out such a man." she thought, "one who will allow me the freedoms with which I can bless him. There are few men who can resist the thought of two women in their bed, most especially if they foolishly consider themselves able to satisfy both."

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