CHR9/CH6 - The Dread of Separation

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Merlin shook his head at Auriel's words. That she loved her husband was abundantly clear, but that all encompassing love must not be allowed to deter him. The way was clear, and the Time Spinning spell ready to be prepared, then refined as to accuracy, and safety, in as much as it could be.

Paladin was well used to the centuries old invocation, his travels had taken him far on the back of it, and he had always returned safely. None that knew him were privy to any acts carried out on his forays into the past, or those into the future, save that they were beneficial to those in receipt of his goodwill and magic, no matter the Century or year.

Aunt Gwyneth took over the care of the children, with the more than able assistance of Edmund to enable Auriel to be present as the various elements of the spell were brought together.

These elements were so familiar to her, that for a moment her spirits lifted, and she allowed her self to hope in that very brief moment, that all would be well, though it seemed strange to her that the very thing that had brought her the love of her life, was now to take him from her.

Six vials were prepared when the potion was semi complete, leaving the quicksilver yet to be sourced. Two such vials were for Guy, one for his outward, and another for his return journey.

The four others being for his brother Kay, his wife and two sons, and were good for one journey only, for should they choose to come to Camelot, so far in their own past, there would be no going back for them.

As Guy spoke with Merlin, he was quick to remind him that Sheriff Vaisey, once thwarted, would not rest until he had decimated the Gisborne line.

" He is a vengeful bitter man," he said, "who will stop at nothing to get his way, he rules by fear, and favours only those misguided supplicants who call him Lord. To gain his favour, they will pillage, and burn, casting out men, women, children, even babes in arms, I know this because I once once a part of it, to my everlasting shame."

"My brother now pays for my sin of desertion, even though that desertion was planned by the love of my life. I was rendered senseless and weightless, she bound me to her, and when I opened my eyes again, it was to a time and place far removed from my own."

Then he smiled, as if in memory.

" I feared her you know, I feared her magic, but then suddenly, it was a time for falling in love, and the fathering of children. Marriage, a home, of absolute joy. That love and joy remains, nay it grows, grows with every breath she takes, every touch of her hand, and every child with which she blesses me!"

" A time for farming, famine and fortune, but we endure, the two of us, and I regret nothing! I never thought to feel such love as I feel for this place. I work the land, and it rewards me, I love my wife, and she bears my children, it is the cycle of life."

"If I could but console her, instil more faith and courage in her heart, I could set off with a lighter spirit. But she weeps constantly, and takes so little food that her milk has left her, and my newborns cry for sustenance."

"The milk is it?" asked Merlin, " and a lack of appetite, that is easily remedied, why have you not spoken to me of this? Two incantations, nothing more, and these things will be resolved."

"But can you ease the grief?" asked Guy quietly, " for it is that which tears at her so harshly "

" She will find the strength required," Merlin replied, "I know this. Two years we were together when we entered the Portal to seek the cure for her blood sickness, I live today because of her courage."

"Even as thoughts of your death, and that of your children, tore at her very soul, those thoughts placed in her mind by Vaisey, she was as staunch as any man I have ever known, she will stand firm, even as her heart is breaking. You must have faith, how can you doubt her?"

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