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At breakfast the next morning, fond glances were exchanged between husband and wife, due in part not only to the passion they had so recently shared, but also the declarations of love and devotion exchanged.

It had been a reaffirmation of their love for each other, the sentiments often thought on, but perhaps not spoken. Auriel stood for a while at the fireside stirring the iron porridge pot, waiting for her children to wake and come hungry to the table.

She looked to her husband, well rested by his night's sleep, and well breakfasted by his adoring wife, but lingering in the warmth of the kitchen for a while before his long day began.

He sensed her loving gaze and turned toward her to return it, but no words were spoken between them. Words of love, though exchanged between them almost hourly, were more often conveyed in their eyes or in the exchange of their thoughts, a gift brought about by their magical abilities.

Guy had been 'gifted' with magic by Gwyneth before his journey with his sweet girl, to find Merlin, and a cure for the blood sickness which at that time had held Auriel in its fearsome grasp. When they had first come together, Auriel's powers of enchantment had been failing fast, due to her isolation from other witches.

She had remained hidden in a cave outside Camelot during the time of persecution of her people by the hated Uther Pendragon, who hated all those with magic. People of the Magical Realm need to commune often with others of their kind, or their powers would diminish, and eventually leave them.

As their son Mordred lay dying, he had passed his not inconsiderable magical abilities to his Mama, that she might use them to save his Papa, who at that time was held captive by the Red Witch.

The noisome hag had sought to conceive a child with Guy because he had travelled with Auriel through the Time Portal, and such a child would have enabled her to open the Artefact, which contained all the magic ever known, along with the life force of all those who had ever been gifted with enchantment, now long dead.

The Red Witch had failed in her attempt, though she had caused great harm to the Lady of the Lake, who had accepted the Artefact when Auriel had entrusted it to her safekeeping. Many self seeking and embittered witches had formed an alliance with the Red Witch, though most had tried and failed to carry out her wishes.

A number of dwarves, led by Thorin, and a group of witches who at that time had found sanctuary in his underground kingdom, had stood firm in the defence of Guy and the Gisborne Farm during those fearful days, and there had been many deaths among both races.

Although they had the ability, the exchanging of thoughts was rare between Guy and Auriel, simply because they did not feel the need for it, preferring instead to have spontaneity in their union, be it in their daily lives, or when they shared passion.

As she watched her beloved, he smiled and gave her the familiar look that spoke of his desire for her.

" It is the eyes, always the eyes," she whispered as he drew her into his arms,  " it takes but a look, and I am lost. Then there is the kiss, and my fate is sealed."

" Fate is it?" he asked, a smile on his lips, " then there had better be a kiss, or you may escape, and leave me wanting."

It was a simple enough thing to stray from the house, and steal sweet moments with her man, for after all was said and done, Gwyneth and her new spouse, dwelled yet at the farm, and therefore the little ones never lacked for care.

Aunt Gwyneth was a woman of great understanding, being of a passionate disposition herself, despite her age, and she fully understood these tender interludes, especially as she herself frequently enjoyed such times, and her spouse delighted in her whenever the occasion arose.

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