CHR2/CH5- Guy's Departure, and a Reluctant 'Dairymaid'

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Guy was not awake when Auriel opened the bedroom door, but he stirred as he felt her warm body next to him, turning over to face her in the darkness.

"Are you suitably chastised?" he asked.

"What can you mean, my dear husband?" she asked, though she already knew the answer.

Have you been over Aunt Gwyneth's knee?" he asked, " I should have liked to see that! Perhaps it is a method I shall adopt myself, when you will not obey me."

Then he had to grasp her arms tightly as she fought to get at him, but in her growing lust she was too strong for him, or so he pretended, as his own excitement grew.

"Fight me my beautiful witch," he said quietly, staring down at her, "Bite me, scratch me with these long nails, and perhaps a slap from these fair hands, but I will have you fight me!"

The more she struggled the more aroused he became. She freed one hand briefly and slapped his face, raking the skin of his neck, and he cried out in the joy of it.

"Oh, he is here sweet girl," he cried, "and I did not summon him, he is here at your bidding because you want him, you have set him free again with your longing for him, and he seeks to return it!" He grasped her arms over her head with one hand, and grasped tightly at a handful of her hair, with the other, "I can see it in your eyes!  he cried, "Tell me, tell me that you want him!"

"And if I will not?" she asked, her eyes glinting in the candlelight as she struggled against him, "will he beat me? he had better do it then, for I will not obey him! Will you fight him for me, this man with the dark heart who still lingers within you?"

"You beautiful witch," he whispered, "you think him more man than I!"

"You show little evidence to the contrary!" she said.

"Oh, I think I do madame!" he said, pressing himself close to her, "but I will hear you beg before I prove it, and beg you will, make no mistake!"

"Is this your best effort then?" she demanded reaching down and clasping him none too gently in her hands. "I shall seek to improve it."

"I do not seek the ministrations of your hands wife!" he said, "skilled though they may be, for the love of God, open your legs and take the weight of your husband, or he may leave you wanting!"

"Oh, how I love this game! " she cried out, as she felt him move inside her. gripping his back with her hands, and lifting her body to meet his.

Over the course of the next two days, Guy sought her out constantly, merely taking her hand in his, regardless of whether or not she was alone, and removing her to some secluded corner. Of course, she was always willing, believing that he sought to imprint the memory of her in his mind before they were parted.

Aunt Gwyneth was sometimes present when he sought his wife's intimate company, but always turned away so as not to embarrass the one whom she had so advised. On the morning of the third day, when he caught Auriel unawares in the chicken coop, she told him to desist, and his expression told her that he was not best pleased!

"You would refuse me?" he asked.

"I refuse further inroads into my delicate state, my darling," she said, " I would have some tenderness from you before you leave me. Eight times we have loved to our mutual delight these last days, five times as my loving husband, and three in the guise of your darker self. I now find that I am unsure which of the two I prefer, though every moment of it has been a joy. But enough is sufficient into the day sweet man, can we not just lie in each other's arms and exchange kisses for a short while? Or would you leave me unable to sit for a week!"

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