4 || Cheap Beer

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You laid down on the ground, not caring for the dirt and mud sticking all over your clothes. The hand-to-hand combat course was finally done, and after having the manoeuvre training along with horseback riding this morning, you wanted to die from exhaustion.

Well, it was not like you to lose your stamina that easily. But today was different, either to you or some of the people that you were close to. You wanted to curse Sasha now for dragging you out there with another dozen cadets last night. With everyone circling inside an abandoned storage room not too far from the forest training.

Some of your friends were sneaking out to celebrate how they were still here, not even one of them had been threatened to get back to the fieldwork (if you didn't count what happened with Eren on the second day of cadets training of course). Finding a wooden crate full of beer as they cheered and clinked the bottles to each other.

And you couldn't forget how Armin and Marco threw up after one gulp.

For a couple of hours, everyone was having fun. When you looked into their eyes, just for that moment they were not soldiers or dumb cadets. For a moment they were just normal teenagers, talking and hanging out together with friends, not having any burden on their shoulders while drinking cheap beers.

And you didn't regret joining them — you felt much more alive last night compared to any other day that you had ever since you stayed in Paradis.

"Come on, (Y/n). It's dirty there, let's get you some water after this."

"Let me rest in peace, Marco, you didn't know the torture I had last night."

You groaned as you recalled the event from yesterday. Sasha and Connie initiated a game called Truth or Dare where they would spin a bottle (poor Connie who had to finish all of his drinks after mentioning it), and those who it landed on would be asked if they wanted to answer a question or fulfill a dare.

Thank you for the luck that happened to leave you last night, you were the first one who got chosen. You could still remember the smirk on Reiner's face from the corner of your eyes, that smug look you always wanted to punch (something you did a lot already in the training) was looking at you with a challenging gaze.

So without hesitation and with confidence streamed inside your blood, you asked for a dare.

And running around the forest training area with just shorts and a thin shirt was something that you never thought would do.

"G-Guys, I think it's wrong. She could catch a cold, you know?"

You had to run in a circle five times, and your blonde friend (who you met a few years ago after the breaching of the wall Maria, and a pure-hearted person on top of that) scrunched up his forehead in worry, afraid that it would affect your performance on the training tomorrow.

But of course, a dare was a dare, you had to finish it or you would be known as a wimp in the game for the rest of your life. Your other friends were cheering on you, and perhaps this was the reason why Annie chose to sleep instead of joining you here — because she had an instinct that something like this would happen.

Despite the frozen air that bit at your skin, you kept on running, ignoring the whistles that you heard when you ran past them. Man, of course, they would like to see a girl run with only her shorts and thin white shirts. As much as they would deny it, saying they were gentlemen (you would trust Armin on this though), they would be lying that they didn't enjoy what they saw even though it was just a little bit.

And truthfully, you couldn't help but just enjoy a rare moment like this. Ignoring the ogling gaze from some cadets, you just dashed through the clearance, feeling certain that it would change nothing of your performance the next day.

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