33 || Swelling Storm

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Six years. It had been the longest time in your life since your nostrils caught the sharp smell of salts. The breeze was so much different here compared to the humid, balmy one within the constriction of the walls. It was fresh and delightful, making you feel ‌you were on a holiday somewhere.

And after a few months clearing all titans' existence on this island, maybe you could consider it as one.

You took off your military boots and plop them at one huge rock near the passage, wanting to feel the warm sands beneath your feet. If you were here alone or perhaps only with your friends, you would discard the rest of your clothes and swim. But you had a hunch no one here knew how to float on the water. Not when the monarchy restricted citizens to touch the river within the walls.

"Kirstein?" As you stepped further on the shoreline, you found your best friend cupping waters on his hands. He gaped at you, his tongue sticking out to taste it, but stopped at your call. This would be interesting, for sure. "No, no. It's nothing. You can continue." Biting your lips, you tried so hard to keep your face neutral, wondering if he was going to do it for real.

He gave you a nod, clearing his throat before he decided to just lick up the remnants of water on his palm.

"Argh, it's so salty!" You snorted so hard at his remark before letting out a boisterous laugh, not helping him as he frantically wiped his tongue with a handkerchief. "Shut up, Tybur! I'm just curious!"

"I didn't even say a word!"

"Yes, but you laugh at me!"

When was the last time you felt this way? With happiness bubbling inside and no tension around you. As the year changed, you wished for a break after all the madness you experienced a few months prior. For you and your friends to see what the world offered, delighting in the territory they thought only existed inside an encyclopaedia.

Hange gave the Survey Corps a heads up, saying it was possible they would have to camp outside for a few days. No wonder since this expedition potentially became the longest one in existence. With new lands to explore, and samples they needed to get, your new commander sounded so excited at the night they exposed the plan.


"Hange! I told you to call me Hange, Miss Tybur!"

"Ah, I mean Hange, yes. Do we have a plan for today?" You jogged towards them, clothes slightly wet from your friends' attack. "Like, are we going to stay here for a while? Or maybe collecting samples of the sands? Anything?" If not, you already had an agenda on your own, of course dragging the others too for some fun. "And no calling me Miss Tybur too, Hange."

"I used that nickname because you called me commander." As they patted your shoulder, you tried not to grimace since they were just squeezing sea cucumbers a few seconds prior. "But I think we will camp here today. No need to think about anything and just," Those light brown orbs glanced to the side, overlooking the ocean. "Enjoy the scenery. You agree?"

"Oh." The two of you now had the same grin, a bit scary if the others didn't know the context. "Thank you, Hange! Enjoy the holiday!"

"Huh?! What holiday?" Before you turned around to catch up with your friends, Connie already shouted excitedly at the mention of the word. It didn't take long for you to explain what Hange said to him and the rest of your friends, earning a jump filled with excitement before they completely soaked themselves by plopping down the shoreline.

Crystal blue sky greeted you in an instant. So clear as no clouds were adorning it, just one eternal light from the sun. The warm sunlight balanced the cold water that now glued your clothes into your body. And you didn't mind how the sands followed suit, sticking on your exposed skin, which usually made you feel icky.

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