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How could everything fall into this?

Jean couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't. First, you were back to where you were supposed to, leaving them all behind in the past. There would be no hug, not even the stupid bicker you two always shared. And when he was feeling down into the lowest pit of hell, he didn't have anyone he could confide in.

You wouldn't be there anymore, but at least, he still had Connie and Sasha. Yes, he could share his burden with them. After all, they were the one who also held you dear in their heart.

There were five of them. One died in their first battle, and no one knew what happened to him. The second one, it was you, leaving the three of them without any explanation, none could even ask for your reasoning.

He just lost you by now. Jean almost saw his dearest friend — no, not just that. He almost saw the woman he ever truly loved getting devoured by his own friend. Sure you were still alive now, but you were already slipping away from his grasp.

And as if it wasn't enough, the world just had to take another part of his soul.


They were celebrating. Well, some of them were. Captain Levi ended the night by kicking Eren right on his face, and Jean thought that man deserved it. He would never forget the fact that Eren almost killed you, just for the power of your titan.

Your titan — he clicked his tongue, still not believing it. But the fact that Connie and Sasha were safe and sound right beside him, it was enough to make him feel content. He just stood up, asking the female brunette why she looked so gloomy, as if he didn't know the reason.

Connie even tried to remind her about going home and who was waiting for her there. She only kept her lips shut, for once, not having the appetite to eat.

One moment Sasha was still beside him, standing in the middle of the crowd. The next, she laid there on the wooden floor, with blood spurted from her lips and abdomen.

"Sasha! Hey!" Jean was woken up from his stupor when he heard the ugly cries from Connie. "Speak to me! Please!"

He didn't care less about the kids who were now beaten up to pulp by the other soldiers. Nothing stayed in his mind except the fact that his best friend was dying. Sasha, the most gluttonous woman he ever met. The clown of the group alongside Connie,

"Where—" Her brown eyes were getting dull, "—is she?" But the pupils still wandered around, searching for someone. "We made... a plan..."

Jean knew who. He knew how close you were with Sasha. She wasn't a fan of physical contact, keeping her guard up to those outside of the circle. But with you, she practically threw herself as if her mind knew you would always be there, catching her in the process. Your gentle touch, she craved for it, even when one of her legs was already on death's door.

Both him and Connie couldn't take this anymore. Another soldier gently pushed them backwards, giving Sasha enough space to breathe. They were already in the airship, they would have time to rest afterwards. But they couldn't, not when the two of them were aware of something. "Meat... We are going to... Eat meat..."

She wouldn't make it. One of them wouldn't make it back home. He gritted his teeth, turning away so he didn't have to look at her. Where were you when he also needed you? If you were here, you would have been able to calm him and Connie. Everything would be alright, Sasha would eat a lot once in heaven, not having to hunt anymore.

But was there truly heaven for sinners like them?

"Jean, these two flew up here using Lobov's manoeuvre gear." He looked at the side, seeing the two kids who infiltrated their airship. The boy looked so guilty for even being here, while the girl kept on snarling. "I'm gonna toss them out. No problem with that, right?"

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