7 || Grassy Pathway

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Bertolt used to wonder why you always stood behind Porco, trailing the boy like he would give you a pat on the head or the tastiest candy in the world. At this, the ravenette tended to have a scowl on his lips whenever he saw you like that, and he wanted nothing but to be in Porco's position.

The blonde never once said anything kind to you, never once he treated you right since the only thing that boy ever did was throwing mockery and endless teasing. And Bertolt always wanted to ask you how you could like someone who didn't even take a proper look at you.

But he never asked. Who was he anyway?

Maybe behind all of the interactions, the blonde cared for you so much, maybe the two of you even dated back then in Marley despite being warrior candidates. And he was just so afraid to ask why, afraid to hear all of the reasons why you took a liking for the blunt candidate.

Bertolt had such a contrasting personality compared to the younger Galliard. First off, he was not assertive, timid, and not brave enough to voice out his opinion. On top of that, he was not really smart when it came to girls. He could only speak normally with Pieck, and that was even because she was kind enough to talk to him first.

So he didn't want to ask why, not wanting to hear you list all the things that he would never be, not wanting to be reminded that he could never be perfect on paper in your eyes.

Shaking his head from the sombre thought, his pupils cast down to where your hands intertwined. And all of those thoughts about your possible first love were replaced with something else entirely as he focused on the fact that you, too, were radiating warmth.

With how you held his hand now, surely it was nothing but physical, if he cast aside his sensibility for a second, he could feel how cold your skin was compared to him. But the way you subtly squeezed his hand, the way your kind words always resonated in his head — gave an effect much greater than any other heat.

Because with you, even when you ended up dragging him outside the cabin to talk, the coldest temperature would be nothing in contrast to the warm tingle inside his heart by knowing you were here with him.

The blizzard had already passed, replaced by a breeze that was gentle enough it wouldn't bite the skin. His eyes trailed your form up and down, just trying to make sure you were alright with this temperature. Despite knowing that you dislike cold, he knew why you chose this place to talk.

Everywhere his eyes roam, he can't see any other person except you. No one would be crazy enough to stay out even though the blizzard was not here anymore. They would prefer to hang out inside the main cabin or huddled up under their blanket in their assigned barracks.

That was the main reason you dragged him outside in the first place. Because out here, there were no prying eyes and curious ears. Because out here, you would be alone with him. Because out here, you were free to talk without being afraid of getting interrupted.

He watched as you fetched something from your pocket, finding his hand-knitted glove on top of your palm as you handed it to him.

"I already washed it. Thank you once again, Bertolt."

He didn't need you to do that for sure, but of course you would try to give it back to him in perfect condition.

"It's nothing."

"Trust me, it's everything."

You let out a small chuckle, leaning your body forward on the bannister, eyes never leaving the scenery that laid in front of you. There was this peaceful expression on your face as your lips shaped into a wistful smile, adorning the already beautiful complexion of yours.

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