44 || Letter After Letter

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The sun went through the windowpane, too bright for an afternoon around tea time, but it didn't stop you from leaning your body near it. There was a special occasion today, and the beaming light was there to celebrate with people who now paraded on the street.

Citizens were leaving their homes, embracing one another as tears streamed down their faces. From elders to youngsters, men and women, aristocrats or humble dwellers, they danced and laughed with one another.

After four years of wondering when it would end, it finally did.

You peered down from the second floor, inside the same room you had resided in ever since you were back in your nation. Your arms folded in front of your chest, an unfathomable look in your eyes as once again, your heart conflicted.

Marley won, but at what cost? You heard from the intel about the warriors that joined the fight. Reiner was out there, appointed as a Deputy Chief, needing to go to war once again as if the Paradis Island Operation wasn't enough to torture both his physical and mental stability. Zeke, of course, that man was still the most trusted warrior, especially with his mysterious ability regarding his titan power.

If only Marley knew whose side he was on.

You wondered if Pieck was there too. She probably was, especially when she could stay the longest in titan form. Her ability wasn't too significant on the battlefield, but she could be a huge help to load some artillery and equipment. Then again, you heard about her being an agile titan, and how Marley used her like an advanced tank.

Last but not least, of course, the new Jaw Titan. Porco Galliard, the irritating kid you used to follow around, was rude but you knew he deeply cared for the other fellow warriors. You still recalled how furious he was when Marley chose Reiner instead of him, but at the same time, you were a bit glad.

Especially when Marcel told you about his wish, how he wanted Porco to actually have a life as a normal citizen. To live past thirteen years of the curse. How ironic now that the younger Galliard still inherited such power.

The necklace he once gave you felt so heavy that at one point in your life, you decided to put it in your suitcase, along with the slightly torn black scarf and a pair of knitted hand gloves. A memento of the past, of those who once were there in your life, but no more due to circumstances.

Although, from anyone who was no longer there anymore at your side, tragic how you didn't get anything from your family. A kiss on the forehead by your mother, yes, and a tight embrace by your father at the shore in Paradis a few years back, nothing else but that.

Just a sliver of memories, ones you could never have again.

Knock knock!

You jerked, turning around to see a tuft of blonde peeking from the door already. Your eyes softened at that, and the melancholy you felt previously was slowly lifted from the mere sight of him. Armin, and any of your friends, actually.

"Yes, 'min?"

"Another letter came in."

"Oh, I see." He waved a slightly crooked envelope to show you, and you knew what that meant. "Let's go to the meeting room then."

It had been months since Eren Yeager left the Survey Corps without notice.

At the same time, the end of your plan to meet him up with your father.

For the first few days, everyone still tried to search for him, hopelessly so in case he was in danger. Unlike the others, however, you knew there must be a reason why. And you had been waiting for him to show up once again to explain his next master plan.

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