46 || Utmost Treachery

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“This uniform…” You felt like you were naked in a way. “It really shaped our body, huh?” Only cladded with a black body suit, along with a breastplate and lots of straps to keep the equipment. “Eh, at least it feels light enough for us to move around.”

A snicker left your friend’s lip. Sasha was already done with her uniform, wearing it with ease. Unlike you who seemed to find trouble, especially with all the straps. Who would ever imagine that Tybur, someone who people looked up to in Cadet Corps and were told to be the top soldier, had a few weaknesses?

Even when you were a kid, you could still remember how you needed to ask your maid to help you with your dress. The fancy one for parties, especially. Even after you grew up, it was no different. You turned around, giving Sasha a small pout, and from that one look on her face, she knew what you wanted from her.

“I get it, I get it.” She let out an amused chuckle, buckling some of the fastenings, making sure none of it slipped out in the middle of a battle. “Hold your breath a bit.” You looked down at her as her fingers fixed your breastplate, believing in her one hundred percent as she took care of your uniform.

The past few days, you had been trying to get her old self back. At one point, Sasha started to get distant. Not completely since she still hung around the three of you, and tried to play Shogi with Connie sometimes. But, her smiles were often just there for a split second before her lips were shaped into a thin line once again.

It was as if she was really tired and wanted to come home. And you understood it so well. Even though you offered your shoulder to her, taking bit by bit of her burden, it was still too heavy. Not everyone would be able to keep themselves together after everything that happened ever since Cadet Corps.

“Thank you, Sasha.” Furthermore, it broke your heart when her gullible and friendly attitude seemed to diminish every day. “What would I do without you?”

“Well, Mikasa can always help.” She joked, and the oblivious tone was enough to make you pout. “What?” Perhaps she didn’t realise it.

She wouldn’t realise how you only wanted her to be the one who helped you like this. It has become a habit, something you didn’t want to lose until your dying breath. 

“Nothing.” You let out a sigh, stalling the moment a bit before the two of you got to be in position. She was ready, and you were too. But you didn’t want to leave this place just yet. “It’s just that…”

“(Y/n).” She called your name, so softly before she suddenly wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling you close. Subconsciously, as if on instinct, you also did the same. You buried your face in her shoulder, taking a deep breath there. 

Sasha was always there since the beginning. You remembered the potato incident, clapping inside your heart for her bravery. The things she said on top of Wall Rose, chunks of meat she stole, the drool on her face. Everything about her just made you feel at ease in its own way. “We are going to be alright.”

“I know, Sasha.” You grinned at her reassurance. Even though she could be careless and simple-minded at most, her instinct was sharp. “I just hope Eren actually gives us more information, you know? Why did he choose today of all days? A festival where dozens of people are going to be there—”

“He wanted to declare war.”

Your eyes widened, not expecting her to actually answer your rhetorical question. “I shouldn’t have said this, but there is some information that only the higher-ups know.” A blind spot, again. The same strategy that Commander Erwin used before.

“What? But why they didn’t—”

“Eren’s order.”

Everything just made sense now, when you thought about it. “I walked past the meeting room. The day you went missing, remember? I could hear something like how all of us didn’t need to know the details. Just make sure we fetch the Yeagers, place all the lights for the airborne, and go home. That’s all.”

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