23 || Rustic Cabin

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"You look tired, 'min."

Hopping down from the waggon, you thanked Jean as he passed you a box filled with food supplies before your attention fleeted towards your blonde friend once again. There was a bag underneath his eyes, and he looked much wobbly than usual. You knew what caused him to look like this. Everyone knew. That report Squad Leader Hange requested from him, he truly took the task deliberately. "What time did you finish the report?"

"Hm?" Goodness, Armin looked so dazed now as you scrutinised his face. The blue orbs that usually shone so brightly now looked a bit dull. "Oh, sorry, around ten if I am not mistaken." That was late compared to the others, and you were sure he didn't immediately go to rest after dropping the report for the Squad Leader.

You and the rest of the new Special Operations Squad ended up bickering inside the mess hall until the clock struck eight in the night. Mostly talked about how they all needed to defend Eren and Historia from now on. The first one was because of his ability to be a titan, then the latter was because she had a monarchy bloodline. They didn't want any of this, for their friends to be the ones who ensured their safety, but it was the mission that was laid upon them now.

When you sat across from Historia at the table, you still couldn't believe that it was her. She was the last descendant of King Fritz, the remaining of them. At least if Reiner's intel was right, then she would be the only one alive. The entire night you were tossing around your bed, thinking about the possibility of the founding titan passed to her. Although, with how clueless and innocent she looked, you had your doubts.

Then again, anyone could have put up a mask to conceal their secrets.

"You should rest after this, you know?" Your eyebrows furrowed when he shook his head, and he was so close to retorting. Probably going to say that he didn't feel tired at all, that he had to stand by with the others. "No, take a nap." But you beat him before he could say anything else.

"Wait, (Y/n). I-I am fit enough, really!"

"Tell that to the bags underneath your eyes, Arlert."

He flinched at the way you called his name. For him, that just sounded so wrong, especially since for the past few days you always called him by a certain nickname. With the slight glare in your eyes, he often forgot you had two sides. Sometimes you could be so gentle and caring, but the other was you getting a bit ruthless, usually for their own good, so it was the same in the end.

"Okay, I will rest for a bit."

"You scared him, Tybur." You rolled your eyes at the remark that was coming from Jean. He walked in front of you with Sasha, and your lips quirked into a smirk when you thought of something. "I swear, even Instructor Shadis is not — argh!"

Letting out a surprised yelp, you laughed boisterously at how his legs quivered. You decided to nudge his knee from behind, making him almost drop the box in his hand. "Tybur, what the hell?!" He kept muttering profanities, now turning back since he didn't want you to pull any other antics. "I am looking at you now."

"Ooh~ Scary, Kirstein. Careful with that pebble there, though."

"Huh, where?" He looked around at the ground, only finding a flat terrain and stone pathways. "Tybur!"

If you cast aside the mission and the warning that was given by your captain, it would feel ‌you were currently on holiday with the rest of your friends. Everyone was here anyway, and the casual clothes they wore only made the atmosphere more at ease. You didn't know who chose this location, but you were going to thank them if you had the chance.

It was a cabin in the middle of the woods but located right in a clearing. There would be no wild animals around, and wherever your vision stretched, no other human could be seen. The pine trees made rustling sounds with how the wind caressed their leaves. Once you were done with your task, and that was cooking, you would relax outside. Maybe invite some of your friends who wanted to join.

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