21 || A Place to Call Home

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No clouds were adorning the crystal blue sky, allowing sunbeams to touch every nook and cranny on earth. It had been a long time since you stood inside the Survey Corps headquarters without wearing your uniform, or maybe it was the first. You couldn't remember well after the hellish events that happened in the past few weeks.

It felt like yesterday when you stepped foot in this headquarters along with the cadets from the 104th Cadet Corps. The voices still lingered there. You could hear all the laughs and banter every time you closed your eyes. No one knew what would happen that day. They believed they were going to graduate and continue their life as a soldier. Most of them were going to take the Garrison branch, of course.

Who would have thought that four cadets between them were traitors for humanity within the walls? Who would ever imagine the comrades they respected and shared the roof with for three years straight turned out to be the reason titans ate them? Not a soul, no. They knew nothing about how cruel this world was, after all.

Your eyes fixated on the sky, recalling how it was sunny too back then. But unlike before, you didn't have to worry about the casualties you would cause. There was nothing for you to stress about except the well-being of your friends now. Friends. No matter how many times Bertolt reminded you they weren't, you already considered them as one.

Ah, Bertolt. You swallowed an enormous lump and closed your eyes, thinking about how you would have lost yourself from the start if he had never been there, to begin with. He had become your anchor for a long time, making you stay in your place for years. You couldn't go back or look forward, and he was there to make sure that you could keep yourself afloat.

But he was already too far from where you were, out of reach, since Paradis had become your place now, maybe even home. As long as you were here, you wouldn't think too much about warriors or the duty that you still bear, only remembering the goal that you were still striving for.

You finally forgave yourself for surrendering to this life, and it was also no use for you to dwell on the decision that was already made.

For that reason, you couldn't wait for the weekend when Mr Keller would pick you up for lunch.

"I like your smile."

You didn't hear footsteps from behind, so it surprised you when a familiar gentle voice vibrated through the air. "I am sorry if I interrupt you, (Y/n)." It was Mikasa in all her glory, walking towards you as if she hadn't just injured her ribs before.

"Nah, you are not interrupting anything." Your eyes softened once you laid your gaze on her figure. Despite how she already looked much better compared to that night, you still pursed your lips and did not approve of her decision to wander around. "Aren't you supposed to rest, miss Ackerman?"

She only gave you a small smile at how bossy you sounded, and truthfully, it was the thing she needed at the moment. To see you well, to see at least someone without agony written on their faces. For the past few days, she met many people, and most of them had their eyes dull. So your existence was like a breath of fresh air to her.

"I am resting." Resting her emotion, of course. "I am even ready to be put on the field again."

"Now, that's not good." The second she was within your reach, you immediately patted her arm, not liking how she always tried to push her limit. "You can't force yourself too hard, Mikasa. You are strong, we all know that, but you are human, too." She pouted at your words, and you knew she would retort. "How about I take you to where Eren is?"

"Oh... Please." She was going to argue, but you gave her the only thing (or in this case someone) that she couldn't resist. You wanted to snicker when her expression changed in a split second at the mention of the brunette, but you held it since you didn't want her to hide away that glow in her face. "Where is he now? Is he done with the meeting?"

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