8 || Another One of Your Friends

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"Is it legal to barf?"

"Jean, no! We are in the mess hall."

Marco could no longer count how many times Jean asked him the same thing. Perhaps it was a dozen, or maybe hundreds already. These days for sure, the only thing that slipped from his friend's mouth was mostly an annoying remark or sarcastic comment that seemed to be endless.

"Oh, come on, Marco. Just look at them!"

The brunette grabbed the top of Marco's head, turning it slightly so the freckled boy could see what Jean had been subjected to the entire day. "They are just so... lovey-dovey! That is not normal at all. How could two people become that in love in the middle of training as a soldier?"

Ah, of course. It was no secret since their last winter training that Bertolt Hoover could finally catch Tybur's attention. Everyone in the cadet corps knew about the little crush that the tall ravenette had towards the female, and it seemed like after years pining over the almost perfect girl, he could finally have her for real.

"You are just jealous, Jean," Marco stated matter-of-factly, pushing his friend's hand away from his head. "They are just a normal couple. Come on, you didn't even bother when Franz and Hannah were in a relationship since the second month of our training here. Why are you being so petty now?"

Marco's first sentence was really hitting Jean in the first place, but he just shrugged it off, not revealing any kind of emotion that he was indeed jealous.

"I am not that close with Franz and Hannah, that's why," Jean muttered under his breath, grabbing his spoon as he just played with the soup, one meal that they always had for dinner. "How come you are not petty? She always sat with us, spent most of her time with us, Marco. And suddenly all of that changed because she got a pet."


The shout really got a lot of people's attention, and now the freckled boy could only look down on his lap, slightly embarrassed since some of the attention was all on him. He waited for a few seconds, wanting to continue but waiting for the others to focus back on themselves. "You are usually not like this. She is our friend, yes. And as a friend, we should be supporting her, not degrading her lover instead."

Was it wrong to feel jealous? When someone who he usually spent his time with all of a sudden rarely was there at all, wouldn't it be normal for him to be like this? He couldn't understand how Marco and Sasha were alright with it. Maybe Sasha was not minding it much since you slept in the same room as her, but the others?

Maybe Marco was just a different breed, he was literally the only one who didn't mind that one of them was not there anymore, that you were not there. Connie whined about it a few days ago, about how you were only there with them on either lunch or breakfast.

He even said something as sarcastic as how you laughed harder when you sat with them all compared to when you were now with Bertolt and Reiner. Yet, of course, Marco would try his best so the two friends could stop being bitches about you and your new relationship.

"Why does everyone look so gloomy?" Having a tray in your hand, you sauntered over to their table, probably done with the dinner and ready to turn in for the night.

"You will never understand," Jean muttered under his breath, shoving food down his throat without looking at you. "Why are you here, anyway? Where's your pet?" He knew that he was not fair to you right now for acting out like this, but he couldn't help it.

You gripped the tray in your hand tighter than before, wanting nothing but to bonk Jean's head with the wooden tray. But you composed yourself, feeling that you would be the same as him if you let his snide remarks get to your head.

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