24 || Hand of Sinner

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"Sasha, don't roam too far from the group." You pinched her cheek as her eyes wandered around, drooling at all the food stalls that you passed. She let out a yelp, rubbing her now reddening skin before muttering a small sorry and scooting closer towards you. Subtly, you glanced behind you as you made sure that Eren and Historia were there. Well, you meant their body double.

It always entertained you every time you saw Jean wearing that wig, replacing his ash-brown hair with a darker shade of colour. You still recalled the day of the Stohess mission and how you cackled so hard your stomach hurt, something that resulted in him throwing the brown wig right in front of your face to shut you up.

Armin, on the other hand, was acting weird. Ever since he got out of the bedroom with Historia's clothes cladded his body, he never once looked at you. Whenever you tried to talk to him, he ended up muttering that he had things to do and left, making you purse your lips since it stung a little. Especially since you were oblivious to what you did wrong.

Maybe you would ask him after the mission, not wanting the awkwardness to continue. But right now, you had to focus on where you were. Your eyes scrutinised the ground, looking out if there was any kind of unusual movement from these people around. There was also no one at the top of the buildings, so as for now, it seemed that the enemy wasn't around.

"I hear something," Sasha muttered underneath her breath and you immediately slowed down your pace. She was sharp, exactly like a hunter, with all senses heightened.

You couldn't hear anything when she first mentioned it, but now the sound of the carriage was getting closer and closer. "(Y/n), it's coming from behind!" She pushed you away from the main road, and your arms instantly wrapped around her figure so she would fall with you.

It throbs when your back was knocked down on the ground, especially when your friend practically used your body as a cushion to land. Your fingers immediately traced your friend's arms and limbs, checking if maybe she was injured in any way. "Ar—I mean, Eren and Historia! They are kidnapped again!" But hearing her shout loud and clear right in your ear must be a sign that she was alright.

"Let's get them." Whispering out just for your friends to hear, you stand up as Mikasa and Connie nod at you.

Captain Levi ordered everyone to get to the closest alleyway so the civilians wouldn't witness as the squad switched to their vertical manoeuvring gear. There was no time to lose. Each one of you had to catch up with the carriage that kidnapped Armin and Jean.

Who knows what they would do to your friends? But you swore if those bastards ever hurt them or left a scar on their skin, you would not let them go without enough punishment.

"There." You landed on a building near to the inner gate, following Captain Levi as he asked them not to make too much noise. Peeking inside from the window at the roof, the kidnappers didn't look like they had enough guts. "These kidnappers are awfully green. Why would they send amateurs on a job as important as this?"

"Then it would be easier to take them down." Whispering underneath your breath, you saw Sasha and Connie checking out the perimeters, making sure that there were no other guards around. From where you stood, one guard approached Armin, and your hand clenched at that. There were no blades or anything from his hand, so you wondered what the man was trying to do to him.

The moment their dirty hands roamed all over Armin's chest, you made an oath that the man would pay for what he did. Your blonde friend looked both disgusted and scared, something that only made your blood boil. If it wasn't because you had to wait for the boss to arrive, then you would have beaten that man to a pulp.

The things he did to Armin, his lustful look as his hand kept wandering around, your mind already filled with kinds of crime and punishments.

Only when Captain Levi suddenly stood up that it diverted your attention, wondering if he was going to go somewhere else. "Captain? Are you going to check on the wagon?"

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