10 || If I Die

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You dropped the duster in your hand once you heard it. Turning your back, your pupils dilated as you stared at your friend, who now didn't have the courage to look at you. Just last night, he cackled out loud and felt so content that he would finally be safe in the interior. Just last night, he boasted to everyone that he could live the perfect life that the majority of them sought for.

"What...?!" Eren's voice was the one who broke the silence. "Connie, you're number eight, right?! You were saying that you are going to the Military Police last night." Even he was in disbelief. Someone that from the start wanted nothing but getting into the innermost suddenly changed their mind, surely surprised them all.

"Your speech last night affected him, you know?" And of course you. You dropped to the ground, jaw still agape as you looked at your friends. What did Eren say last night that made Connie change his mind? You were unsure, and you thought that he was too hard-headed for letting someone's words get into him.

"H-Hey, now! That's wrong!" Connie tried to retort, huffing as Eren continued to focus on Thomas instead. "When I think about it now, I just don't want to be in the same branches as—" He stopped midway when he suddenly felt someone's arms around him, pulling him so tight that he couldn't breathe for a second there. "O-Oi, Tybur!"

"I will keep you safe." You whispered out just for him to hear, and that seemed to be enough to shut him up. Everyone might have been looking at the two of you by now, but you didn't care. Getting into the Survey Corps meant closer to death, and to know that one of your closest friends were going to take that path, it just shook you to the core.

Leaning away from him, Connie was still frozen in place since what you whispered out before sounded so much like a promise. He was going to ask what it was all about, wanting to just swat your worry away since he was number eight and stronger than anyone ever expected him to. But his mouth just felt so dry, and you already stood up to continue maintaining the artillery.

"Pardon me, but—" Your head whipped towards the familiar voice, and you swore you could not handle any more surprises today. But when you saw the bundle of meat in her hand, you just could not understand anymore. "I borrowed a little meat from the senior officer's private stock."

There were drools all over her chin, and you wanted nothing but to facepalm at her antics. A small chuckle slipped from your lips, and you wanted to snort at the various responses that were thrown towards her. Of course the others would be surprised, but then again it was Sasha anyway, she would be the only one who was bold enough to steal from the senior office — meat on top of all.

Your eyes just softened when you look at her, and it seemed that she could feel your gaze on her since she turned to throw you a dumb smile after that. She gestured that she would get a slice, putting the meat inside a basket before she jogged towards you with her duster, ready to actually do her work now.

"What do you think? I want you to get some meat before going out there, you know?" Blinking rapidly, you didn't quite understand what she meant by that. "I heard that the Survey Corps wouldn't get enough privileges. So I want you to know what meat tastes like! Who knows when you can have a chance like this, right, right?"

Wriggling her eyebrows, she didn't wait for you to answer and walked past you, humming a tune about meat as she cleaned up the artillery on your side. At a time like this, you were just too starstruck at the kindness that you received. How could you forgive yourself for enjoying the warm gesture that your friend had given to you?

If only she knew, she wouldn't be here smiling at you like this. If only she knew how much blood had stained your hand, you were certain that she would look at you with horror and disgust instead of love and care. But you could only smile back at her, taking how many seconds left before the countdown towards destruction.

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