Side Story (part 9)

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Akaashi's pov

Bokuto looks at me with those big owl like eyes of his

All of this is so intense...he what is he going to do about it..

I open my mouth to say something but then Bokuto speaks to me,

"Since your first year huh? Dang, and I didn't notice till now?"

I nod.

It reminds me of the one truth or dare game we played a year ago with the others...
I forgot who dared me to do this but someone dared me to call my crush, so I walked out and called Bokuto. But him being him, it flew over his head.

I want to tell him about that time just to get under his skin on how slow he is but I won't this time.

"Was it obvious?" Bokuto asks

"Define obvious-" I say in return. There are many times where I had gave off the hints that I have a thing for this guy but it never clicked with him.

It's funny to me because it seems that the others have noticed. One time Suga came to me and asked me about it, I didn't deny it because it was true. Then he proceeded to suggest for me to just flat out ask him out.

Of course I didn't do it but that's besides the point. The point is the others knew before he did.

" do you feel about me now that you know this?" I ask him.

He scratches the back of his head while looking away at the wall, cheeks sorta red.

He then says, "I'm pretty shocked- how can someone as great as you Akaashi, like someone like me?"

"Bokuto." I say, "Just you being you is the reason why I like you as much as I do.."

Bokuto covers his face I guess from him not wanting me to see him blush.

" want to know right? Who was in my house that day?"

Was I too obvious that I wanted to know that badly?

I give him a slight nod in response to his question.

Maybe it's not what I want to hear..maybe it's as simple as can be. But still, I want to know regardless...


A/N: Sorry I have been gone for many many many days, but y'know- schools a bit-
Anyways- I'll try to update more so bare with me- love you❤️

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